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UNITED STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE                        )



  FOR THE OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES OF 2002                 )        CIVIL ACTION NO.


                           Plaintiffs,                                 )


         v.                                                             )


2000OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )                         

2000OLYMPIC.NET,                                             )

2000OLYMPIC.ORG,                                             )

2000OLYMPICSSYDNEY.COM,                               )

2000-OLYMPICS-SYDNEY.COM,                             )

2000SUMMEROLYMPICS.COM,                             )

2000SYDNEYOLYMPIC.COM,                                )

2000SYDNEY-OLYMPIC.NET,                                )

2000SYDNEYOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

2001OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

2003SPECIALOLYMPICS.COM,                              )

2004ATHENAEOLYMPIC.COM,                             )

2004ATHENSOLYMPIC.COM,                                )

2004ATHENSOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                     )

2004OLIMPICS.COM,                                           )

2004OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2004OLYMPIC.NET,                                             )

2004OLYMPIC.ORG,                                             )

2004OLYMPICATHENS.COM,                                )

2004OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                 )

2004OLYMPICGAMESATHENS.COM,                     )

2004OLYMPICGUIDE.COM,                                  )

2004OLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

2004-OLYMPICS.NET,                                           )

2004OLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

2004OLYMPICSATHENS.COM,                              )


2004THEOLYMPICSATHENS.COM,                        )

2005LONDONOLYMPICS.COM,                             )

2005OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

2006OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2006OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                 )

2006TURINOLYMPICS.COM,                                 )

2008BEIJINGOLYMPIC.COM,                                )

2008BEIJINGOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

2008BEIJING-OLYMPICS.COM,                              )

2008OLYMPIC.NET,                                             )

2008OLYMPIC.ORG,                                             )

2008OLYMPICOSAKA.COM,                                 )

2008OLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

2008OLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

2008OLYMPICSTORONTO.COM,                                    )

2008OLYMPICWATCH.COM,                                 )

2008OSAKAOLYMPIC.COM,                                 )

2008PARISOLYMPIC.COM,                                   )

2008PARISOLYMPIC.NET,                                              )       

2008PARISOLYMPIC.ORG,                                    )

2008SUMMEROLYMPICS.NET,                              )

2008SUMMEROLYMPICS.ORG,                              )

2008TORONTOOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

2010OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2010-OLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

2010OLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

2010OLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

2010OLYMPICS2010.COM,                                    )

2012OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2012OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

2012-OLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

2012OLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

2012OLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

2014OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                 )

2016OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2016OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                 )

2016OLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

2016SUMMEROLYMPICS.COM,                             )

2020OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2020OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                 )

2024OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2028OLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

2032OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

2036OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

2040OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

2050OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

247OLYMPICS.COM,                                            )

24HOLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

24HOUROLYMPICS.COM,                                              )

24HR-OLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

27SYDNEYOLIMPIC.COM,                                    )

28THOLYMPIAD.COM,                                        )

28THOLYMPIAD.NET,                                         )

28THOLYMPIAD.ORG,                                         )

29THOLYMPIAD.COM,                                        )

29THOLYMPIAD.NET,                                         )

29THOLYMPIAD.ORG,                                         )

2BETOLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

2OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                      )

2THEOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                )

30THOLYMPIAD.COM,                                        )

30THOLYMPIAD.NET,                                         )

30THOLYMPIAD.ORG,                                         )

3GOLYMPICS.COM,                                             )

88OLYMPIC.COM,                                               )

88OLYMPIC.NET,                                                )

88OLYMPIC.ORG,                                                )

88SEOULOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

88SEOULOLYMPIC.NET,                                       )

999SYDNEYOLYMPICS.COM,                                )

04OLYMPICS.NET,                                               )

0800OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

1988OLYMPICMUSEUM.COM,                              )

1-OLYMPIC.COM,                                               )

1OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                      )

1-OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                              )

1OLYMPIC-GAMES.COM,                                              )

1-OLYMPIC-GAMES.COM,                                    )

1-OLYMPICS.COM,                                                       )

1STOPOLYMPIC.COM,                                         )

1STOPOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

ABC-JEUX-OLYMPIQUES.COM,                                     )

ACCESSIBLEOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

ADULTOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

ALIENOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

ALIENOLYMPICS2000.COM,                                 )

ALLOLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

ALL-OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

ALLOLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

ALL-OLYMPICS.NET,                                           )

ALLTHEOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                    )

ALMANAQUEOLIMPICO.COM,                             )

ALTAOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

ALTAOLYMPICS.NET,                                         )

AMERICANOLYMPICS.COM,                                )

ANDALUCIA-OLIMPICA.ORG,                              )

ANIMALOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

AOLYMPIC.COM,                                                )

AOLYMPICS.COM,                                                       )

ASIANOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                              )

ASIANOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                               )

ASIANOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

ASIANOLYMPICS.NET,                                        )

ASIANOLYMPICS.ORG,                                        )

ASIAOLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

ASIAOLYMPIC.NET,                                            )

ASIAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                            )

ASIAOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                )

ASIAOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                                 )

ASIAOLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

ASIAOLYMPICS.NET,                                           )

ASIAOLYMPICS.ORG,                                          )

ASTRAOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

ASTRAOLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

ASTRAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                         )

ATHENAEOLYMPIC.COM,                                   )

ATHENS2004OLYMPIC.COM,                                )

ATHENS2004OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                     )

ATHENS2004-OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                    )

ATHENS2004OLYMPICS.COM,                              )

ATHENS2004-OLYMPICS.COM,                             )

ATHENS-2004-OLYMPICS.COM,                                     )

ATHENS2004OLYMPIX.COM,                                )

ATHENSOLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

ATHENSOLYMPIC.NET,                                       )

ATHENSOLYMPIC2004.COM,                                )

ATHENSOLYMPIC2004GAMES.COM,                     )

ATHENSOLYMPICBOOKINGS.COM,                      )

ATHENS-OLYMPIC-GAMES.COM,                         )

ATHENSOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                                     )

ATHENSOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                                     )

ATHENSOLYMPICGAMES2004.COM,                     )

ATHENS-OLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

ATHENS-OLYMPICS.NET,                                              )

ATHENSOLYMPICS04.COM,                                 )

ATHENSOLYMPICS2004.COM,                              )

ATHENS-OLYMPICS-2004.ORG,                             )

ATHENSOLYMPICSONLINE.COM,                         )

ATHENSOLYMPICTOUR.COM,                             )

ATHENSOLYMPICTRAVEL.COM,                          )

ATHINAIOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

ATOLYMPIC.COM,                                                       )

AUSSIEOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                             )

AUSSIEOLYMPICNET.COM,                                  )

AUSSIE-OLYMPICS.COM,                                              )

AUSSIEOLYMPICSPORT.COM,                              )

AUSSIEOLYMPICWEB.COM,                                 )


      SPORT-SYDNEY-2000-TRAVEL-TOUR.COM,        )


AUSTRALIAN-OLYMPICS.COM,                                     )

AUSTRALIANOLYMPICS.NET,                              )


      COURSE.COM,                                               )

AUSTRTALIASOLYMPICS.NET,                             )

BAIJINGOLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

BANGKOKOLYMPIC2008.COM,                                     )

BANGKOKOLYMPICS.COM,                                 )

BANGKOKOLYMPICS2008.COM,                           )

BEIJING2008OLYMPICS.COM,                               )

BEIJING2008OLYMPICS.NET,                                )

BEIJING2008OLYMPICS.ORG,                                )

BEIJINGOLIMPIC.COM,                                       )

BEIJINGOLYMPIC.NET,                                        )

BEIJINGOLYMPIC.ORG,                                       )

BEIJINGOLYMPIC2008.COM,                                )

BEIJINGOLYMPIC2008.NET,                                  )

BEIJINGOLYMPIC2008.ORG,                                 )

BEIJINGOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                     )

BEIJINGOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                             )

BEIJINGOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                                     )

BEIJING-OLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

BEIJINGOLYMPICS.NET,                                      )

BEIJINGOLYMPICS.ORG,                                      )

BEIJINGOLYMPICS2008.COM,                               )

BEIJINGOLYMPICS2008.NET,                                )

BEIJINGOLYMPICS2008.ORG,                                )

BERLINOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

BESTOFTHEOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

BETOLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

BET-OLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

BETOLYMPIC.NET,                                             )

BET-OLYMPIC.NET,                                            )

BETOLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

BETONOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

BET-ON-OLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

BETONOLYMPICS.NET,                                       )

BETONTHEOLYMPICS.COM,                                )

BETTINGONOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

BJOLYMPIC2008.COM,                                         )

BONDIBEACH2000OLYMPICS.COM,                      )

BOOKINGOLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

BOSTONOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

BRAZILOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

BRAZILOLYMPIC.NET,                                        )

BRAZILOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                     )

BRAZILOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                             )

BRAZILOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                             )

BRAZILOLYMPICS.COM,                                              )

BRAZILOLYMPICS.NET,                                       )

BRUSSELSOLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

BTOLYMPICS.COM,                                            )

BT-OLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

BUENOSAIRESOLYMPIC.COM,                             )

BUSANOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

BUSANOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

BUSINESSOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

BUYOLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

CAFEOLYMPIC.COM,                                          )

CAFE-OLYMPIC.COM,                                         )

CAFEOLYMPIQUE.COM,                                      )

CAIROOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

CAIROOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                              )

CAIROOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

CAIROOLYMPICS.NET,                                        )

CAIROOLYMPICS.ORG,                                        )

CANADAOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

CANADAOLYMPICPARK.COM,                                     )

CANADAOLYMPICS2008.COM,                             )

CANADAOLYMPICS2008.NET,                              )

CANADAOLYMPICS2008.ORG,                              )


CANADIANOLYMPICS.COM,                                )

CANADIANOLYMPICS.NET,                                 )

CANADIANOLYMPICS.ORG,                                 )

CANALOLIMPICO.COM,                                      )

CANALOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

CAPE-OLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

CAPETOWNOLYMPIC.COM,                                 )

CAPETOWNOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

CASAITALIAOLIMPICS.COM,                               )

CASINOOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

CAS-OLIMPICA.COM,                                          )

CASTRESOLYMPIQUE.COM,                                 )

CASTRES-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                )

CENTURYOLYMPIC.NET,                                              )

CHICAGOOLYMPIC.COM,                                    )

CHICAGOOLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

CHINAOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

CHINA-OLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

CHINAOLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

CHINA-OLYMPIC.NET,                                        )

CHINAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                         )

CHINA-OLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )

CHINAOLYMPIC2008.COM,                                  )

CHINAOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                             )

CHINAOLYMPICS.NET,                                        )

CHINAOLYMPICS2004.COM,                                 )

CHINESEOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

CHINESEOLYMPICS.NET,                                              )

CHINESEOLYMPICS.ORG,                                     )

CINCINNATIOLYMPICS.COM,                              )

CLIC-JEUX-OLYMPIQUES.COM,                                     )

CN-OLYMPIC.COM,                                             )

COLONOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

COLONOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

COLYMPICLIVE.COM,                                         )

COLYMPICSLIVE.COM,                                        )

COMITATOOLIMPICO.ORG,                                 )

COMITEOLIMPICO.COM,                                              )

COMITEOLIMPICO.ORG,                                              )

CWORLDOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

CWORLDOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

CYBEROLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

CYBER-OLYMPIC.NET,                                        )

CYBEROLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

CYBER-OLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

CYBEROLYMPICS.NET,                                        )

CYBEROLYMPICS.ORG,                                       )

CYBEROLYMPICS2004.COM,                                 )

CYBEROLYMPICS2004.NET,                                  )

CYBEROLYMPICS2004.ORG,                                 )

CYPRUS-OLYMPIC-GYMNASTIC.COM,                           )

DAILYOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

DIGITALOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

DIGITALOLYMPIC.NET,                                       )

DIGITALOLYMPIC.ORG,                                      )

DJOLYMPICS.COM,                                             )

DOMAINOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

DOMAINOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

DOMINICANOLYMPICS.COM,                              )

DOTCOMOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

DOTOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

DUBLINOLYMPICS.COM,                                              )

E2000OLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

EGAMEOLYMPIC.NET,                                        )

EGAMEOLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )

E-OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                             )

EOLYMPICLIVE.COM,                                          )

EOLYMPICS2000.COM,                                         )

EOLYMPICS2004.COM,                                         )

ESPACE-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                  )

ESTADIOLIMPIC.COM,                                        )

ESTADIOOLIMPICO.COM,                                    )

ESYDNEYOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

ETVOLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

EVERYTHINGOLYMPICS.NET,                              )

EVERYTHINGOLYMPICS.ORG,                              )

EWORLDOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

EWORLDOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

FAMILYOLYMPICS.COM,                                              )

FIRSTOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

FLORIDAOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

FOROLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

FRANCE-JEUX-OLYMPIQUES.COM,                       )

FRANCE-OLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

FRANCEOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

FRANCE-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                 )

FRANCETVOLYMPIQUE.COM,                              )

FRENCHOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

GAME-OLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

GAMEOLYMPIC.NET,                                          )

GAMEOLYMPIC21.COM,                                      )

GAMESOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

GDAYOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

GERMANYOLYMPICS.COM,                                 )

GETOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                 )

GETOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

GET-OLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

GETOLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

GET-OLYMPICS.NET,                                           )

GIOCHIOLIMPICI.COM,                                       )

GIOCHI-OLIMPICI.COM,                                      )       

GIOCHIOLIMPICI.NET,                                        )

GIOCHIOLIMPICI.ORG,                                        )

GLOBALOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

GO2OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                 )

GO4OLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

GOLDOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

GOOLYMPIC.COM,                                                      )

GOOLYMPIC.NET,                                               )

GOOLYMPICS.COM,                                            )

GOTOOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

GREATOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

GREECE2OLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

GREECEOLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

GREENOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

GREENOLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

GREENOLYMPIC.ORG,                                         )

HAVANAOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

HAVANAOLYMPIC.NET,                                     )

HAVANAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                              )

HAVANAOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                          )

HAVANAOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                                    )

HAVANAOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                           )

HAVANAOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

HAVANAOLYMPICS.NET,                                    )

HAVANAOLYMPICS.ORG,                                    )

HEADOLYMPIC.COM,                                         )

HEADOLYMPIC.NET,                                           )

HEADOLYMPIC.ORG,                                          )

HIROSHIMAOLYMPIC.COM,                                )

HIROSHIMAOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

HMSOLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

HOLIDAYOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

HUSTONOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

HYERESOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

HYERES-OLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

HYERESOLYMPIQUE.COM,                                  )

HYERESOLYMPIQUES.COM,                                 )

HYERES-OLYMPIQUES.COM,                                )

IBETOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

IC2000OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                              )

IC-2000OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                             )

ICOLYMPICS.COM,                                             )

IC-OLYMPICS.COM,                                            )

ICOLYMPICS.NET,                                               )       

IC-OLYMPICS.NET,                                              )

ICOLYMPICS2000.COM,                                       )

IC-OLYMPICS2000.COM,                                      )

ICWINTEROLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

IC-WINTEROLYMPICS.COM,                                 )

IDEAOLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

IGAMEOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

IGAMEOLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

IGAMEOLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )

ILOVEOLYMPIC.COM,                                         )

ILOVEOLYMPIC2000.COM,                                   )

ILOVEOLYMPIC2004.COM,                                   )

ILOVEOLYMPIC2008.COM,                                   )

IMPROLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

INFOLIMPICOS.COM,                                          )

INFOLIMPICOS.NET,                                           )

INFOLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

INFOOLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

INTERNETOLYMPIC.COM,                                   )

INTERNETOLYMPICS.COM,                                 )

INTERNETOLYMPICS.NET,                                   )

INTERNETOLYMPICS.ORG,                                  )

IOLYMPICLIVE.COM,                                          )

IOLYMPICS2000.COM,                                         )

IOLYMPICS2000.NET,                                           )

IOLYMPICS2004.COM,                                         )

IOLYMPICSLIVE.COM,                                         )

ISEE2000OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                           )

ISEE-2000OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                          )

ISEEOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

ISEE-OLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

ISEEOLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

ISEE-OLYMPICS.NET,                                           )

ISEEOLYMPICS2000.COM,                                    )

ISEE-OLYMPICS2000.COM,                                   )

ISEEWINTEROLYMPICS.COM,                               )

ISEE-WINTEROLYMPICS.COM,                              )

ISTANBULOLYMPIC.COM,                                   )

ISTANBULOLYMPIC.NET,                                    )

ISTANBULOLYMPIC.ORG,                                    )

ISTANBULOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                        )

ISTANBULOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                         )

ISTANBULOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                         )

ISTANBULOLYMPICS.COM,                                 )

ISTANBULOLYMPICS.NET,                                   )

ISTANBULOLYMPICS.ORG,                                  )

ITOLYMPIC.COM,                                               )

ITOLYMPICS.COM,                                                      )

ITSANOLYMPICVIEW.COM,                                 )

IWORLDOLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

IWORLDOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

JAPANOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

JAPANOLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

JAPANOLYMPIC.ORG,                                         )

JERUSALEMOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                              )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES.COM,                                              )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES.NET,                                      )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES.NET,                                              )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES.ORG,                                    )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES2000.COM,                               )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES2002.COM,                               )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES2003.COM,                               )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES2004.COM,                               )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES2004.COM,                              )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES2006.COM,                               )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES2008.COM,                               )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES2008.COM,                              )

JEUXOLYMPIQUES2012.COM,                               )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES2012.COM,                              )

JEUXOLYMPIQUESDHIVER.COM,                         )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES-FRANCE.COM,                       )

JEUXOLYMPIQUESHYERES.COM,                         )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES-HYERES.COM,                       )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES-HYERES.NET,                         )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES-HYERES.ORG,                        )

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES-LAROCHELLE.COM,               )       

JEUX-OLYMPIQUES-PARIS.COM,                          )       

JOCSOLIMPICS.COM,                                          )

JOCS-OLIMPICS.COM,                                         )

JOCS-OLIMPICS2000.COM,                                   )

JOCSOLIMPICS2004.COM,                                    )

JOCS-OLIMPICS2004.COM,                                   )

JOGOSOLIMPICOS.ORG,                                      )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS.COM,                                    )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS.NET,                                              )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS.ORG,                                              )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS2000.COM,                              )

JUEGOS-OLIMPICOS2000.COM,                             )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS2004.COM,                              )

JUEGOS-OLIMPICOS2004.COM,                             )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS2006.COM,                              )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS2008.COM,                              )

JUEGOS-OLIMPICOS2008.COM,                             )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOS2012.COM,                              )

JUEGOS-OLIMPICOS2012.COM,                             )

JUEGOSOLIMPICOSSYDNEY.NET,                         )

KLOLYMPICS.COM,                                            )

KL-OLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

KOREACYBEROLYMPIC.COM,                              )

KOREAINTERNETOLYMPIC.COM,                        )

KOREAOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

KOREAOLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

KOREAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )


KUALALUMPUROLYMPICS.COM,                         )

LAOLYMPICS.COM,                                            )


LAROCHELLEOLYMPIC.COM,                              )

LAROCHELLE-OLYMPIC.COM,                             )

LAVILAOLIMPICA.COM,                                      )

LESOLYMPIQUES.COM,                                       )

LE-VILLAGE-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                           )

LIVEOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

LIVEOLYMPICS.NET,                                           )

LIVEOLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

LOMOLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

LONDONOLYMPICS.NET,                                              )       

LONDONOLYMPICS2005.COM,                             )

LONDONOLYMPICS2012.COM,                             )

LOSANGELESOLYMPICS.COM,                             )

LOTTOOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

LYON-OLYMPIQUE-ECHECS.NET,                         )

MADRIDOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

MADRIDOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

MANCHESTER-2004-OLYMPICS.COM,                    )

MANCHESTER-2004-OLYMPICS.NET,                     )

MANCHESTER-2004-OLYMPICS.ORG,                    )

MANCHESTEROLYMPICGAMES.COM,                           )

MEMORYOLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

MEMORYOLYMPICS.ORG,                                   )

MEXICOOLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

MINDOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

MINDOLYMPICS.ORG,                                         )

MISSIONOLYMPIQUE.COM,                                 )

MISSION-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                )

MOBILE-OLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

MOLYMPICS.COM,                                                      )

MOLYMPICS.NET,                                               )

MOLYMPICS.ORG,                                                       )

MOLYMPICS2000.COM,                                       )

MONTAGNEOLIMPICHE.COM,                             )

MONTAGNEOLIMPICHE.NET,                              )

MONTREAL-OLYMPIQUE.ORG,                                     )

MSYDNEYOLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

MUNDOOLIMPICO.COM,                                              )

MUNDOOLIMPICO.NET,                                      )

MUNDOOLIMPICO.ORG,                                              )

MUSEUMOLYMPIC.COM,                                             )

MUSEUMOLYMPIC.ORG,                                              )

MYOLYMPIC.COM,                                             )

NAGOYAOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

NAGOYAOLYMPIC.NET,                                      )

NAGOYAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                              )

NAKEDOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

NETIZENOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

NETOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

NETOLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

NETOLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

NETOLYMPIX.COM,                                            )

NEWDELHIOLYMPIC.COM,                                  )

NEWYORKOLYMPIC.COM,                                   )

NEWYORKOLYMPICS.NET,                                  )

NIMES-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                   )

NOLYMPICS.COM,                                                       )

NOTTHEOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                    )

OFFICIALOLYMPICSTANDINGS.COM,                            )

OFFICIALSOFTDRINKOFTHE2004OLYMPICS.COM, )                                             

OKOLYMPIC.COM,                                                      )

OLIMPIADI.COM,                                               )       

OLIMPIC.COM,                                                   )

OLIMPICA.NET,                                                  )

OLIMPICA-COLECCION.COM,                              )

OLIMPICASTEREO.COM,                                              )

OLIMPICBS.COM,                                               )

OLIMPIC-COLLECTION.COM,                               )

OLIMPIC-EUROPA.COM,                                      )

OLIMPICGAMES.COM,                                        )

OLIMPIC-GAMES.COM,                                       )

OLIMPICGAMES.ORG,                                         )

OLIMPICGAMES2000.COM,                                  )

OLIMPICGAMESAUSTRALIA.COM,                       )

OLIMPICIMOLA.COM,                                         )

OLIMPIC-IMPORT.COM,                                      )

OLIMPICKS.COM,                                               )

OLIMPICO.NET,                                                  )

OLIMPICOSTADIUM.COM,                                  )

OLIMPICOSTADIUM.NET,                                    )

OLIMPICOSTADIUM.ORG,                                   )

OLIMPICOWEB.COM,                                          )

OLIMPICOWEB.NET,                                           )

OLIMPICOWEB.ORG,                                           )

OLIMPICPLAST.COM,                                          )

OLIMPICS.COM,                                                 )

OLIMPICS.NET,                                                   )

OLIMPICS.ORG,                                                  )

OLIMPICS2000.COM,                                           )

OLIMPICSAILING.COM,                                       )

OLIMPICSAILS.COM,                                           )

OLIMPICSONLINE.COM,                                      )

OLIMPICWIND.COM,                                           )

OLIMPIK.COM,                                                   )

OLIMPIX.COM,                                                   )

OLYMPIC1.COM,                                                )

OLYMPIC12.COM,                                               )

OLYMPIC123.COM,                                             )

OLYMPIC1X1.COM,                                             )

OLYMPIC-1X1.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC-2000.COM,                                           )

OLYMPIC2000.NET,                                             )

OLYMPIC-2000.NET,                                            )

OLYMPIC2000.ORG,                                             )

OLYMPIC2000BETTING.COM,                               )

OLYMPIC2000FORUM.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC2000GAMES.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC2000-NETSERVICE.COM,                         )

OLYMPIC2000TORCHBEARERS.COM,                    )

OLYMPIC2002.ORG,                                             )

OLYMPIC2004ATHENS.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC2004GAMES.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC2006.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2008.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2008.NET,                                             )

OLYMPIC2008.ORG,                                             )

OLYMPIC-2008.ORG,                                            )

OLYMPIC-2008.ORG,                                            )

OLYMPIC2010.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2012.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2016.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2020.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2024.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2028.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC2032.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC21.COM,                                               )

OLYMPIC2K.COM,                                                       )

OLYMPIC365.COM,                                             )

OLYMPIC-3DAYEVENT.COM,                               )

OLYMPICA.COM,                                                )

OLYMPICA.NET,                                                 )

OLYMPICA.ORG,                                                )

OLYMPICABILITY.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICACCLAIM.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICACCOMMODATION.COM,                     )

OLYMPICACCOMMODATION.NET,                      )


OLYMPICACCOMODATION.COM,                        )

OLYMPICACTION.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-ACTION.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICACTION.NET,                                       )

OLYMPIC-ACTION.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICACTION.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICADVERTISING.COM,                              )

OLYMPICAFFAIRS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICAFFAIRS.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICAFFAIRS.ORG,                                      )

OLYMPICAID.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICAIR.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICAIRLINES.COM,                                             )       

OLYMPICAIRWAYS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICAIRWAYS.NET,                                              )

OLYMPICAMBASSADOR.COM,                             )

OLYMPICAMBASSADORS.COM,                           )

OLYMPIC-AMERICA.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICAPARTMENTS.COM,                             )

OLYMPICAPT.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICAPT.NET,                                             )

OLYMPICAPT.ORG,                                             )

OLYMPIC-ARCHERY.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICARCHIVE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICARCHIVES.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICAREA.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICARENA.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICARENA.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICART.ORG,                                            )

OLYMPIC-ASIA.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICATHENS.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICATHENS2004.COM,                                )

OLYMPICATHENS2004.COM,                                )

OLYMPICATHENS2004.ORG,                                 )

OLYMPICATHLETE.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICATHLETE.NET,                                              )

OLYMPICATHLETE.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICATHLETES.COM,                                   )

OLYMPIC-ATHLETES.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICATHLETES.NET,                                    )

OLYMPICATHLETES.ORG,                                   )

OLYMPIC-ATHLETIC.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICAWARDS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-BADMINGTON.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICBALLROOM.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICBARGAIN.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-BASEBALL.COM,                                  )

OLYMPIC-BASKETBALL.COM,                             )

OLYMPIC-BEACH.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICBEAT.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICBEIJING.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-BEIJING.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-BEIJING.NET,                                       )

OLYMPIC-BEIJING.ORG,                                      )

OLYMPICBEIJING2008.COM,                                )

OLYMPICBET.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICBET.NET,                                             )

OLYMPICBETS.COM,                                           )

OLYMPIC-BETS.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICBETS.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICBETTING.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICBETTING.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICBID.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICBIDS.COM,                                           )

OLYMPIC-BIKING.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICBIZ.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICBOOKINGS.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICBOOKINGS.NET,                                   )

OLYMPICBOULEVARD.COM,                               )

OLYMPIC-BOXING.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICBRIDGE.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICBRIEFS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICBRIEFS.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICBRIEFS.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICBRIGHTLIGHTS.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICBRONZE.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICCANADA.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-CANADA.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-CANOE.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICCAR.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICCARD.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICCARDS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICCASINO.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICCASINOS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICCAST.COM,                                          )

OLYMPIC-CAST.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICCAST.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICCATERING.COM,                                  )

OLYMPIC-CENTRAL.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICCHALLENGE.COM,                                )

OLYMPICCHAMP.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICCHAMPION.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICCHAMPIONS.COM,                                )

OLYMPICCHAMPS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICCHARACTER.COM,                               )

OLYMPIC-CHAT.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICCHINA.COM,                                        )

OLYMPIC-CHINA.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIC-CHINA.NET,                                        )

OLYMPIC-CHINA.ORG,                                        )

OLYMPICCIRCLES.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICCIRCLES.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICCIRCUITS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICCITY.COM,                                           )

OLYMPIC-CITY.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICCLOTHES.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICCLOTHING.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICCLUB.COM,                    )

OLYMPICCLUB.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICCLUB.ORG,                                           )

OLYMPICCLUBWORLD.COM,                               )

OLYMPICCOACH.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICCOIN.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICCOINS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICCOLISEUM.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICCOMMENT.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICCOMMENT.NET,                                   )

OLYMPICCOMMENT.ORG,                                  )

OLYMPICCONGRESS.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICCOUNTDOWN.COM,                              )

OLYMPICCOUNTDOWN.NET,                               )

OLYMPICCOUNTDOWN.ORG,                              )

OLYMPICCYCLING.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-CYCLING.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICDAILY.COM,                                         )

OLYMPIC-DARTS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICDATE.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICDAYS.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICDEALS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICDESPATCH.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICDEX.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICDEX.NET,                                             )

OLYMPICDEX.ORG,                                            )

OLYMPIC-DIVING.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICDOMAIN.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICDREAM.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIC-DRESSAGE.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICDRUGS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICDUST.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICDVD.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICE.COM,                                                )

OLYMPIC-E.COM,                                               )       

OLYMPICEFFORT.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICEMAIL.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICEMAIL.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICEMPLOYMENT.COM,                                     )

OLYMPIC-EQUESTRIAN.COM,                              )

OLYMPIC-EUROPE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICEVENTS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICEVENTS.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICEVENTS.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICEXCELLENCE.COM,                               )

OLYMPICEXCELLENCE.NET,                                )

OLYMPICEXCELLENCE.ORG,                                )

OLYMPICEXPRESS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICEYE.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICFACILITIES.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICFAMILY.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICFAN.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICFANTASY.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-FENCING.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICFEST.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICFEVER.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICFINANCE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICFIRE.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICFITNESS.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICFLAG.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICFLAME.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICFLOWERS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICFOCUS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICFOCUS.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICFOCUS.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICFOOTBALL.COM,                                  )

OLYMPIC-FOOTBALL.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICFORUM.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICFORUM.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICFORUM.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICFUND.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICFURNITURE.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICGAINS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICGAMBLING.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICGAME.COM,                                         )

OLYM-PICGAMES.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICGAMES04.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-GAMES2000.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC-GAMES-2000.COM,                               )

OLYMPIC-GAMES2002.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC-GAMES-2002.COM,                               )

OLYMPICGAMES2004.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-GAMES2004.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC-GAMES-2004.COM,                               )

OLYMPICGAMES2004.NET,                                  )       

OLYMPICGAMES2004.ORG,                                  )

OLYMPIC-GAMES-2004.ORG,                                )

OLYMPIC-GAMES-2006.COM,                               )

OLYMPICGAMES2006.NET,                                  )

OLYMPICGAMES2008.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-GAMES2008.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC-GAMES-2008.COM,                               )

OLYMPICGAMES2008.NET,                                  )

OLYMPICGAMES2008.ORG,                                  )

OLYMPICGAMES2010.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-GAMES2010.COM,                                )

OLYMPICGAMES2012.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICGAMES2020.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICGAMES2K4.COM,                                  )


OLYMPIC-GAMES-ATHENS.COM,                         )

OLYMPICGAMESATHENS2004.COM,                     )

OLYMPICGAMESATHENS2004.NET,                      )

OLYMPICGAMESATHENS2004.ORG,                      )

OLYMPICGAMESAUSTRALIA.COM,                      )

OLYMPICGAMESBEIJING.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICGAMESBOXING.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICGAMESCANADA2008.COM,                    )

OLYMPICGAMESDIRECT.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICGAMESGIVEAWAY.COM,                       )

OLYMPICGAMESINFO.COM,                                )

OLYMPICGAMESINFORMATION.COM,                          )

OLYMPICGAMESNOW.COM,                                )

OLYMPICGAMESONLINE.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICGAMESONLINE.NET,                             )

OLYMPICGAMESONLINE.ORG,                             )

OLYMPICGAMESOSAKA.COM,                             )

OLYMPICGAMESPARIS.COM,                               )

OLYMPICGAMESPORTAL.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICGAMESRESULTS.COM,                          )

OLYMPICGAMESSIDNEY2000.COM,                      )

OLYMPICGAMESSYDNEY.COM,                           )

OLYMPICGAMESSYDNEY2000.COM,                     )

OLYMPIC-GAMES-SYDNEY-2000.COM,                           )

OLYMPICGAMESTODAY.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICGAMESTORONTO.COM,                        )

OLYMPICGAMESTURIN.COM,                              )

OLYMPICGAMESTURIN.NET,                               )

OLYMPICGAMESTURIN.ORG,                              )

OLYMPICGAMESTWODAY.COM,                          )

OLYMPICGAMESUPDATE.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICGAMESVENUES.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICGAMES-WEBSITE.COM,                         )

OLYMPICGAMESWEBSITES.COM,                         )

OLYMPICGAMES-WEBSITES.COM,                        )

OLYMPICGAMEZ.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICGAMING.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-GARDEN.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICGEARS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICGIFTS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICGOALS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICGOLD.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICGOLD.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICGOLD.ORG,                                          )

OLYMPICGOLD2004.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICGOLDMEDAL.COM,                              )

OLYMPICGOLDWINNER.COM,                             )

OLYMPICGOLDWINNER.NET,                               )

OLYMPICGOLDWINNER.ORG,                              )

OLYMPICGOLDWINNERS.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICGOLDWINNERS.NET,                             )

OLYMPICGOLDWINNERS.ORG,                             )

OLYMPICGOODAY.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICGOODS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICGRABBER.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-GRANDPRIX.COM,                               )

OLYMPIC-GRANDSTAND.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICGREATS.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICGREECE2004.COM,                                )

OLYMPICGROUP.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICGRP.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICGUIDE.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICGUIDE.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICGUIDE.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICGUIDE2004.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICGURU.COM,                                         )

OLYMPIC-GYMNASTICS.COM,                             )

OLYMPICGYMNASTS.COM,                                 )       

OLYMPICGYMS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPIC-HANDBAL.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICHEADLINES.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICHELLO.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICHERALD.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-HERO.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICHEROES.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-HOCKEY.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICHOLIDAYS.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICHOPES.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICHORSES.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICHOST2008.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-HOTEL.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICHOTEL.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICHOTLINE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICHOTLINE.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICHOTLINE.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICHOUSING.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICHYERES.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIC-HYERES.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICI.COM,                                                 )

OLYMPIC-I.COM,                                                )

OLYMPICI.NET,                                                  )

OLYMPICICONS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICIMAGES.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-INDONESIA.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC-INDOOR.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-INFO.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICINFOLINE.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICINFORMATION.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICINTER.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICINTERIOR.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICJEW.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICJOB.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC-JUDO.COM,                                         )

OLYMPIC-JUMPING.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICKARATE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICKED.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICKIDS.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICLAND.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICLEGENDS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICLIFE.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICLIFTS.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICLIGHTING.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICLIGHTS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICLINE.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICLINKS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICLOTO.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICLOTTERY.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICMAG.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICMAGAZINE.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICMAIL.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICMAIL.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICMARATHON.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC-MARATHON.COM,                              )

OLYMPICMARKET.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICMART.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICMASCOT.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICMASCOTS.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICMATTERS.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICMATTERS.NET,                                              )

OLYMPICMATTERS.ORG,                                    )

OLYMPIC-MEDALS.COM,                                             )

OLYMPIC-MEDALS.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICMEMORABILIA.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICMINUTES.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICMOMENT.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICMOMENTS.COM,                                  )

OLYMPIC-MOUNTAINBIKE.COM,                        )

OLYMPICMUSEUM.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICMUSEUM.NET,                                              )

OLYMPICMUSEUM.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICNAMES.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICNETGAMES.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-NETSERVICE.COM,                               )

OLYMPICNEWS.COM,                                          )

OLYMPIC-NEWS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICNEWS.NET,                                           )

OLYMPIC-NEWS.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICNEWS.ORG,                                          )

OLYMPIC-NEWS.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICNEWSLINE.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICO.COM,                                                )

OLYMPICONESTOP.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-ONLINE.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICOPEN.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICORB.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICORBS.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICORGANISERS.COM,                               )

OLYMPICOS.COM,                                                       )

OLYMPICOZ.COM,                                                       )

OLYMPICPAINTS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICPANEL.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICPARK.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICPARK.ORG,                                          )

OLYMPICPARKTEL.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICPARTNER.COM,                                    )

OLYMPIC-PARTNER.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICPARTNERS.COM,                                  )

OLYMPIC-PARTNERS.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICPARTY.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICPATH.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICPATHWAY.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICPATHWAYS.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-PENTATHLON.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICPERFORMANCE.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICPINTRADER.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICPISCINE.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICPIX.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICPLAY.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICPLAZA.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICPLAZA.NET,                                         )

OLYMPIC-POOL.COM,                                         )

OLYMPIC-POOL.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICPORN.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICPORTAL.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICPOWER.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICPRESS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICPRIDE.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICPRIVETVENTURES.COM,                        )

OLYMPICPRODUCTS.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICQNA.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICQUALIFIER.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICQUALIFIERS.COM,                                )

OLYMPICRANKING.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICREALESTATE.COM,                               )


OLYMPICREALTY.COM,                                      )


OLYMPICRECORD.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICRELAY.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICREPORT.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICREPORT.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICREPORT.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICREPORTS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICRESERVATION.COM,                             )

OLYMPICRESULTS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-RESULTS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICRESULTS00.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICRESULTS04.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICRESULTS2DAY.COM,                             )

OLYMPICRESULTSTODAY.COM,                          )

OLYMPICREVIEW.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICREVIEW.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICREVIEW.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICRINGS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPIC-ROAD.COM,                                        )

OLYMPIC-ROWING.COM,                                             )       

OLYMPICRUINS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICRUNDOWN.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICRUNDOWN.NET,                                   )

OLYMPICRUNDOWN.ORG,                                   )

OLYMPIC-RUNNING.COM,                                   )  

OLYM-PICS.COM,                                               )

O-L-Y-M-P-I-C-S.COM,                                         )

OLYM-PICS.NET,                                                 )

OLYMPICS08.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICS1.COM,                                               )

OLYMPICS1.NET,                                                )

OLYMPICS12.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICS1STOP.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICS-2000.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICS-2000.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICS-2000.ORG,                                          )

OLYMPICS2000BETTING.COM,                             )

OLYMPICS2000CANADA.COM,                             )       

OLYMPICS2000GAMES.COM,                                )

OLYMPICS2000RESULTS.COM,                              )       

OLYMPICS2000-SYDNEY.COM,                              )


OLYMPICS2000TICKETS.COM,                              )

OLYMPICS2002.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS-2004.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICS2004.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2004.ORG,                                           )

OLYMPICS2006.ORG,                                           )

OLYMPICS2008.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2008.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2008.ORG,                                           )

OLYMPICS2008TORONTO.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICS2012.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2012.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2012.ORG,                                           )

OLYMPICS2016.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2020.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2020.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2020.ORG,                                           )

OLYMPICS2024.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2024.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2028.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2028.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2030.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2030.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2032.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2032.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2036.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2036.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS2040.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2044.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2048.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2052.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2056.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2060.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2064.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2068.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2072.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2076.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2080.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2084.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2088.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2092.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2096.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS21.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICS21.ORG,                                                       )

OLYMPICS2100.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICS2DAY.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICS2GREECE.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICS2THE.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICS365.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICS411.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICS4THE.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICSA.COM,                                                       )

OLYMPICS-ACTION.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICS-ACTION.NET,                                              )

OLYMPICSAILING.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-SAILING.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSALE.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICSALES.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSALIVE.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSAMERICA.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICSANDNET.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSATHENS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSATHENS2004.COM,                              )

OLYMPICS-AUSTRALIA.COM,                              )

OLYMPICSAUSTRALIA.NET,                                )

OLYMPICSAUSTRALIA.ORG,                                )

OLYMPICSBEIJING.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSBET.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICS-BET.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICSBET.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICS-BET.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICS-BETS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSBETTING.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICS-BETTING.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICSBETTING.NET,                                             )       

OLYMPICS-BETTING.NET,                                   )

OLYMPICSBRIEF.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSBRIEF.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICSBRIEF.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICSCAFE.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSCANADA.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSCASINO.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICSCENE.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSCENE.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICSCENE.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICSCHANNEL.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICSCHAT.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSCHINA.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIC-SCHOOL.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-SCHOOL.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICSCN.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICSCORE.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSCORES.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSDATE.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSDOWNUNDER.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICSEARCH.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICSECRETS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSECURITIES.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICSECURITY.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSEOUL.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSEVENTS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSEX.COM,                                            )       

OLYMPICSEX.ORG,                                             )

OLYMPICSEXCELLENCE.COM,                             )

OLYMPICSEXCELLENCE.NET,                               )

OLYMPICSEXCELLENCE.ORG,                              )

OLYMPICSFAN.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICSFEVER.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSFEVER.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICSFEVER.ORG,                                        )

OLYMPICSFORM.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSFORUM.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSFORUM.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICSFORUM.ORG,                                      )

OLYMPICS-GAMBLE.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICSGAMBLING.COM,                                )

OLYMPICSGAME.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSGAMES.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICSGAMES.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICSGAMES2000.NET,                                 )

OLYMPICSGAMES2000.ORG,                                )

OLYMPICSGATEWAY.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICSGOLD.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSGOLD.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICSGOLD.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICSGOLDWINNER.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICSGOLDWINNER.NET,                             )

OLYMPICSGOLDWINNER.ORG,                             )

OLYMPICSGOLDWINNERS.COM,                          )

OLYMPICSGOLDWINNERS.NET,                            )

OLYMPICSGOLDWINNERS.ORG,                           )

OLYMPICSGR.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICSGRABBER.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICSGREECE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSGUIDE.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSGUIDE.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICSGUIDE.ORG,                                        )

OLYMPICSHIRTS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSHOJI.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICSHOLIDAY.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSHOMEPAGE.COM,                               )

OLYMPIC-SHOOTING.COM,                                 )  

OLYMPICSHOP.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICSHOTLINE.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSHOUSING.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSHOW.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSI.COM,                                               )

OLYMPICSI.NET,                                                 )

OLYMPICSILVER.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICS-IN.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICSINFORMATION.COM,                          )

OLYMPICSINGREECE.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICSINSIDE.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSINTORONTO.COM,                              )

OLYMPICSITE.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICSITE.NET,                                             )

OLYMPICSITE.ORG,                                            )

OLYMPIC-SKIING.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIC-SKIJUMP.COM,                                             )          

OLYMPICSKL.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICS-KL.COM,                                           )

OLYMPIC-SLALOM.COM,                                             )  

OLYMPICS-LEGACYHOMES.COM,                         )

OLYMPICSLINKS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSLIVE.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICSLIVE.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICSLIVE.ORG,                                           )

OLYMPICSLTD.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICSMAD.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSMAD.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICSMEDIA.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICSMERCHANDISE.COM,                          )

OLYMPICSMS.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICSMUSEUM.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSMUSEUM.NET,                                    )

OLYMPICSMUSEUM.ORG,                                   )

OLYMPICSNEWS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICS-NEWS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSNEWS.NET,                                         )

OLYMPICSNEWS.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPICS-NOW.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSNOWBOARDING.COM,                         )

OLYMPICSNOWONLINE.COM,                              )

OLYMPICSOF2000.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICS-OF-ATHENS.COM,                              )

OLYMPICSOFT.COM,                                          )

OLYMPIC-SOFTBALL.COM,                                  )  

OLYMPIC-SOFTWARE.COM,                                 )  

OLYMPICSONESTOP.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSONHAND.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSONLINE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSONLINE.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICSONLINE.ORG,                                      )

OLYMPICSONTHE.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICSONTHEWEB.COM,                               )

OLYMPIC-SOUTHAFRICA.COM,                                    )  

OLYMPIC-SOUTHAMERICA.COM,                        )  

OLYMPICSOUVENIRS.NET,                                   )

OLYMPICSOVENIRS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSOZ.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICSOZSTYLE.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSPIN.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICSPINS.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICSPIRIT2000.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSPONSOR.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSPONSORING.COM,                               )

OLYMPICSPONSORS.COM,                                   )

OLYMPIC-SPONSORS.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICSPONSORSHIP.COM,                              )

OLYMPICSPORN.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSPORT.COM,                                        )

OLYMPIC-SPORT.COM,                                       )  

OLYMPICSPORTAL.COM,                                             )

OLYMPICSPORTBOOK.COM,                                )

OLYMPICSPORTS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSPORTS.NET,                                        )

OLYMPIC-SPORTS.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICSPORTS.ORG,                                        )

OLYMPICSPORTSBOX.NET,                                  )

OLYMPICSPORTSCLOTHES.COM,                         )

OLYMPICSPORTSCLUB.COM,                               )

OLYMPICSPORTSEVENTS.COM,                            )

OLYMPICSPORTSSHOP.COM,                               )

OLYMPICSPORTSWEAR.COM,                              )

OLYMPICSPOTTING.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSPREADS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-SPRINT.COM,                                      ) 

OLYMPICSQUIZ.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSRECAP.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSRECAP.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICSRECAP.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICSREPORT.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSRESULTS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSREVIEW.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSREVIEW.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICSREVIEW.ORG,                                      )

OLYMPICSSCENE.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSSCENE.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICSSCENE.ORG,                                        )

OLYMPICSSEX.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICSSEX.NET,                                            )

OLYMPICSSEX.ORG,                                            )

OLYMPICSSHOP.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICS-STATS.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICSSYD.COM,                                           )

OLYMPICSSYDNEY2000.COM,                               )

OLYMPICS-SYDNEY2000.COM,                              )

OLYMPICS-SYDNEY2000.ORG,                              )

OLYMPICSTADIUM.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSTADIUM.NET,                                              )

OLYMPICSTADIUM.ORG,                                             )

OLYMPICSTAR.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICSTARS.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSTARS.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICSTARS.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPIC-STATS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSTAY.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICSTOCKS.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICSTORES.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSTORESEGYPT.COM,                             )

OLYMPICSTORONTO.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICS-TORONTO.COM,                                )

OLYMPICSTORONTO.NET,                                   )

OLYMPICSTORONTO.ORG,                                  )


OLYMPICSTORONTOCANADA.NET,                     )

OLYMPICSTORONTOCANADA.ORG,                     )

OLYMPICSTORY.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSTOUR.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSTOXX.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICSTRAVEL.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSTRUCTURES.COM,                               )

OLYMPICSUK.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICSUK.NET,                                             )

OLYMPICSUPDATE.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSUPDATE.NET,                                              )       

OLYMPICSUPDATE.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICSUPER.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSUPPLIERS.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICSVIDEOGAME.COM,                              )

OLYMPICSWAGERING.COM,                                )

OLYMPICSWAGERS.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICSWATCH.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICSWEAR.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICS-WEB.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICSWIMMERS.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICSWIMMING.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-SWIMMING.COM,                                ) 

OLYMPICSWIMMINGTEAM.COM,                        )

OLYMPICSWIMMINGTEAMS.COM,                      )

OLYMPICSWIMWEAR.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICSWIRED.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICS-WWW.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICSYDENY.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICSYDNEY.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-SYDNEY.COM,                                              ) 

OLYMPICSYDNEY2000.COM,                                )

OLYMPIC-SYNCROSWIM.COM,                             ) 

OLYMPICT.COM,                                                )

OLYMPICTAB.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIC-TABLETENNIS.COM,                                     ) 

OLYMPICTEAM.COM,                                         )

OLYMPIC-TEAM.COM,                                        ) 

OLYMPICTELEGRAM.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-TELEGRAM.COM,                                ) 

OLYMPICTELEVISION.COM,                                 )

OLYMPIC-TENNIS.COM,                                      ) 

OLYMPICTHAI.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICTICKER.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICTICKET.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICTICKET.NET,                                        )

OLYMPICTICKET.ORG,                                        )

OLYMPIC-TICKETS.NET,                                      )       

OLYMPIC-TICKETS.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICTICKETSALES.NET,                               )

OLYMPICTIMES.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICTIPPING.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICTIPS.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICTOKEN.COM,                                       )

OLYMPICTOKENS.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICTOOLANDDIE.COM,                              )

OLYMPIC-TOP-TEN.COM,                                             )

OLYMPIC-TOP-TEN.NET,                                              )

OLYMPIC-TOP-TEN.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICTORONTO.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICTOUR.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICTOUR.NET,                                           )

OLYMPICTOWN.COM,                                         )

OLYMPICTOWN.NET,                                          )

OLYMPICTOWN.ORG,                                         )

OLYMPIC-TRACK.COM,                                      ) 

OLYMPICTRAVEL.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-TRIATHLON.COM,                               )

OLYMPICTRIVIA.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICTURE.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICTURES.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICUK.COM,                                                      )

OLYMPIC-UK.COM,                                            ) 

OLYMPICUNIFORM.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICUNIFORMS.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICUPDATE.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICUPDATE.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICUPDATE.ORG,                                      )

OLYMPICUPDATES.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICUPDATES.NET,                                              )

OLYMPICUPDATES.ORG,                                              )


OLYMPICVELODROME.COM,                               )

OLYMPICVICTORIES.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICVICTORY.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICVIDEOGAME.COM,                               )

OLYMPICVIDEOGAMES.COM,                              )

OLYMPICVILLAGE.COM,                                              )

OLYMPIC-VILLAGE.COM,                                    )

OLYMPICVILLAGE.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICVIPS.COM,                                            )

OLYMPICVISION2010.COM,                                  )

OLYMPICVITAMINS.COM,                                   )

OLYMPICVITAMINS.NET,                                    )

OLYMPICVITAMINS.ORG,                                    )

OLYMPIC-VOLLEYBALL.COM,                              ) 

OLYMPICWAGERING.COM,                                 )

OLYMPICWAGERS.COM,                                              )

OLYMPICWARRANTIES.COM,                              )

OLYMPICWATCH.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIC-WATERPOLO.COM,                              ) 

OLYMPIC-WEIGHTLIFTING.COM,                         ) 

OLYMPICWINNER.COM,                                      )

OLYMPICWINNER.NET,                                       )

OLYMPICWINNER.ORG,                                       )

OLYMPICWINNERS.NET,                                      )

OLYMPICWINNERS.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPICWINTERGAMES.NET,                             )

OLYMPICWOOD.COM,                                        )

OLYMPIC-WORLD.COM,                                      )

OLYMPIC-WRESTLING.COM,                                )

OLYMPICYACHTRACING.COM,                                     )

OLYMPICYEAR.COM,                                          )

OLYMPICYEARS.COM,                                        )

OLYMPICYOUTH.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIK.COM,                                                  )

OLYMPIK2000.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIKCITY.COM,                                           )

OLYMPIKGROUP.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIKS.COM,                                                )

OLYMPIKSPORTS.COM,                                       )

OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                                       )

OLYMPIQUE.ORG,                                                       )

OLYMPIQUE-ANTIBES.COM,                                )

OLYMPIQUES.COM,                                            )

OLYMPIQUES.ORG,                                             )

OLYMPIQUES2000.COM,                                      )       

OLYMPIQUESDETE.COM,                                             )

OLYMPIQUESDETE.ORG,                                              )

OLYMPIX.COM,                                                  )

OLYMPIX.NET,                                                   )

OLYMPIXS.COM,                                                )

OLYMPIXX.COM,                                               )

OLYMPIXXX.COM,                                                      )

ONEOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

ONLINEOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

ONLINEOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                     )

OOLYMPICC.COM,                                                       )

OSAKA2008OLYMPIC.COM,                                 )

OSAKAOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

OSAKAOLYMPIC.NET,                                         )

OSAKAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )

OSAKAOLYMPICGAME.COM,                              )

OSAKAOLYMPICGAME.NET,                               )

OSAKAOLYMPICGAME.ORG,                               )

OSAKAOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                             )

OSAKAOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                              )

OSAKAOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                             )

OSAKAOLYMPICS.NET,                                       )

OTHEROLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

OUROLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

OZIOLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

OZOLYMPIC.COM,                                                       )

OZOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                   )

OZOLYMPICNET.COM,                                        )

OZOLYMPICWEB.COM,                                       )

OZZYOLYMPIX.COM,                                         )

PALAUOLIMPIC.COM,                                         )

PARCOLIMPIC.COM,                                           )

PARIS-JEUX-OLYMPIQUES.COM,                          )

PARISOLYMPIC.COM,                                         )

PARIS-OLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

PARISOLYMPIC.NET,                                           )

PARIS-OLYMPIC.NET,                                          )

PARISOLYMPIC.ORG,                                          )

PARIS-OLYMPIC.ORG,                                         )

PARISOLYMPIC2008.COM,                                   )

PARISOLYMPIC2008.NET,                                              )

PARISOLYMPIC2008.ORG,                                    )

PARISOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                               )

PARISOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                                )

PARISOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                               )

PARISOLYMPICGAMES2008.COM,                         )

PARISOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

PARISOLYMPICS.NET,                                         )

PARISOLYMPICS.ORG,                                         )

PARISOLYMPICS2008.COM,                                  )

PARISOLYMPIQUE.COM,                                              )

PARISOLYMPIQUE2003.COM,                               )

PARKOLYMPIC.COM,                                          )

PEKINGOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

PINOYTKD-OLYMPICS.ORG,                                )

POLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                              )

POLYMPICGAMES.NET,                                       )

PORTOLIMPIC.COM,                                           )

PRAGUEOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

PRC-OLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

PRC-OLYMPIC.NET,                                            )

PRCOLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

PREMIUMOLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

PREOLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

PREOLYMPIC.NET,                                              )

PREOLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

PREOLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

PUSANOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

PUTMEINTHEOLYMPICS.COM,                                     )

QUIEROJUEGOSOLIMPICOS.COM,                        )

QUIEROJUEGOSOLIMPICOS.NET,                          )

QUIERORECOROLIMPICO.COM,                                    )

QUIERORECORSOLIMPICOS.COM,                        )

QUIEROTIROOLIMPICO.COM,                              )

ROBOTOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

ROBOTOLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )

ROMEOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

SALEOLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

SALTLAKE2002OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                  )

SALTLAKE2002OLYMPIX.COM,                                     )


SALTLAKECITYOLYMPIC.COM,                                    )

SALTLAKECITYOLYMPICS.COM,                          )

SALTLAKEOLYMPIC.COM,                                  )

SALTLAKEOLYMPICS.COM,                                 ) 

SAOPAULOOLYMPIC.COM,                                  )

SEATTLEOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

SEEOLYMPIC.COM,                                             )

SEOULOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

SEOULOLYMPIC.NET,                                          )

SEOULOLYMPICMUSEUM.COM,                           )

SEOULOLYMPICPARK.COM,                                )

SEVILLAOLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

SEVILLAOLYMPIC.NET,                                       )

SEVILLAOLYMPIC.ORG,                                       )

SEVILLAOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                           )

SEVILLAOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                                     )

SEVILLAOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                                     )

SEVILLAOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

SEVILLAOLYMPICS.NET,                                      )

SEVILLAOLYMPICS.ORG,                                              )

SEVILLEOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                     )

SEVILLEOLYMPICS.COM,                                     )

SEXOLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

SEXOLYMPICS.NET,                                            )

SEXOLYMPICS.ORG,                                            )

SHANGHAIOLYMPIC.COM,                                  )

SHANGHAIOLYMPICS.COM,                                )

SHOWMETHEOLYMPICS.COM,                             )

SIDNEY2000OLYMPICS.COM,                                )

SIDNEYOLIMPICGAMES.COM,                             )

SIDNEYOLIMPICGAMES.NET,                               )

SIDNEYOLIMPICGAMES.ORG,                              )

SIDNEYOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                     )

SIDNEYOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                              )

SIDNEYOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                             )

SIMOLYMPIC.COM,                                            )

SKEETOLYMPIQUE.COM,                                             )

SKEET-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                   )

SKEETOLYMPIQUE.ORG,                                              )       

SKEET-OLYMPIQUE.ORG,                                    )

SLCOLYMPIC.COM,                                             )

SMART-OLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

SMART-OLYMPIC.NET,                                       )

SOS-JEUX-OLYMPIQUES.COM,                             )

SOUTHAFRICAOLYMPICS.COM,                           )

SPECIAL-OLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

SPECIALOLYMPICS2003.COM,                              )

SPECIALOLYMPICS98.ORG,                                  )

SPECIALOLYMPICSIRELAND.COM,                       )

SPORTSNETOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

STADIOLIMPICO.COM,                                        )

STADIOLIMPICO.NET,                                         )

STADIOLIMPICO.ORG,                                        )

STADIOOLIMPICO.COM,                                              )

STAYATTHEOLYMPICS.COM,                              )

SYDENYOLYMPIC.NET,                                       )

SYDNEY2000OLYMPIC.COM,                                )

SYDNEY2000OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                     )

SYDNEY2000OLYMPIX.COM,                                )




SYDNEYOLIMPICS.COM,                                      )

SYDNEY-OLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

SYDNEYOLYMPIC.NET,                                       )

SYDNEYOLYMPIC.ORG,                                       )

SYDNEYOLYMPIC-2000.COM,                               )

SYDNEYOLYMPICBETS.COM,                               )


SYDNEY-OLYMPIC-GAMES.COM,                         )

SYDNEYOLYMPICGAMES.NET,                             )       

SYDNEYOLYMPICGAMES.ORG,                                     )

SYDNEYOLYMPICMUSEUM.COM,                        )

SYDNEYOLYMPICRESULTS.COM,                         )

SYDNEY-OLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

SYDNEYOLYMPICS-2000.COM,                              )

SYDNEYOLYMPICS2000.NET,                                )

SYDNEYOLYMPICS2000.ORG,                               )

SYDNEYOLYMPICSTOURS.COM,                           )

SYDNEYOLYMPICSY2K.COM,                               )

TECHNICALOLYMPIC.COM,                                 )

TECHNICAL-OLYMPIC.COM,                                )

TECHNICALOLYMPIC.NET,                                  )

TECHNICALOLYMPIC.ORG,                                 )

TECHNICALOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

TECHYOLYMPIC.COM,                                        )

TECHYOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

TEENOLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

TENISOLYMPICUS.COM,                                      )

TENISOLYMPIKUS.COM,                                              )

THAIOLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

THE2008OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                    )

THE2008OLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

THEOLYMPIC.NET,                                             )

THEOLYMPICGAMES2004.COM,                                    )

THEOLYMPICGAMES2004.NET,                                     )

THEOLYMPICGAMES2012.COM,                                    )

THEOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

THEOLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

THEOLYMPICS2004.NET,                                      )

THEOLYMPICS2DAY.COM,                                  )

THEOLYMPICSONTHEINTER.NET,                        )

THEOLYMPICSTODAY.COM,                                )

THEOLYMPIX.COM,                                            )

THEOTHEROLYMPICS.COM,                                )

THERMOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

THESUMMER-OLYMPICS.COM,                                     )

THESYDNEYOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

THEVANCOUVEROLYMPICS.COM,                        )

THEWINTER-OLYMPICS.COM,                              )

THISOLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

TICKETS4OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                         )

TICKETSTOTHEOLYMPICS.COM,                          )

TIROOLIMPICO.COM,                                         )

TOKYOOLYMPIC.COM,                                       )

TOKYOOLYMPIC.NET,                                        )

TOKYOOLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )

TOKYOOLYMPICS.COM,                                      )

TOOLYMPICS.COM,                                            )

TO-OLYMPICS.COM,                                           )

TORINO2006OLYMPICS.COM,                               )

TORINOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

TORINOOLYMPIC.COM,                                      )

TORONTO2008OLYMPICGAMES.COM,                           )

TORONTO2008OLYMPICS.COM,                                    )


TORONTOCANADAOLYMPICS.NET,                     )

TORONTOCANADAOLYMPICS.ORG,                     )

TORONTOLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

TORONTOLYMPICS.NET,                                              )

TORONTOLYMPICS.ORG,                                             )

TORONTOOLYMPIC.COM,                                   )

TORONTO-OLYMPIC.COM,                                  )

TORONTOOLYMPIC.NET,                                             )

TORONTOOLYMPIC.ORG,                                    )

TORONTOOLYMPIC2008.COM,                             )

TORONTOOLYMPIC2008.NET,                              )

TORONTOOLYMPIC2008.ORG,                              )

TORONTOOLYMPICGAME.COM,                          )

TORONTOOLYMPICGAME.NET,                                    )

TORONTOOLYMPICGAME.ORG,                          )

TORONTOOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                        )

TORONTOOLYMPICGAMES2008.COM,                           )

TORONTOOLYMPICRENTALS.COM,                     )

TORONTO-OLYMPICS.COM,                                )

TORONTOOLYMPICS.NET,                                   )

TORONTOOLYMPICS.ORG,                                  )

TORONTOOLYMPICSBID.COM,                                     )

TORREFAZIONEOLIMPICA.COM,                         )

TURIN2006OLYMPICS.COM,                                 )

TURIN2006OLYMPICS.NET,                                  )


TURINOLYMPICBOOKINGS.COM,                         )

TURINOLYMPICGAMES.COM,                              )

TURINOLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

TURINWINTEROLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

USAOLYMPICRESULTS.COM,                               )

USOLYMPICRESULTS.COM,                                 )

VANCOUVER2010OLYMPICS.COM,                        )

VANCOUVEROLYMPICS.COM,                              )

VENTUREOLYMPIC.COM,                                    )

VENTUREOLYMPIC.ORG,                                              )

VIAJESOLIMPIC.COM,                                         )

VILAOLIMPICA.COM,                                          )

VILAOLIMPICA.ORG,                                          )

VILA-OLIMPICA.ORG,                                         )

VILLAGEOLYMPIQUE.COM,                                 )

VILLAGE-OLYMPIQUE.COM,                                )

VILLAGEOLYMPIQUE.NET,                                  )

VILLAGE-OLYMPIQUE.NET,                                 )

VILLAOLIMPICA.COM,                                        )

VIRTUALOLYMPIC.COM,                                              )

VIRTUALOLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

VIRTUAL-OLYMPICS.COM,                                  )

VIRTUALOLYMPICS.NET,                                    )

VIRTUALOLYMPICS.ORG,                                    )

VIRTUALOLYMPICS2004.COM,                             )

VIRTUALOLYMPICS2004.NET,                              )

VIRTUALOLYMPICS2004.ORG,                              )

V-OLYMPICS.COM,                                             )

VOLYMPICSV.COM,                                            )

VROLYMPIC.COM,                                                       )

VVINTEROLYMPICS.COM,                                   )

WAP4OLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

WAP4OLYMPICS.NET,                                         )

WAPOLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

WAP-OLYMPICS.COM,                                         )

WASHINGTONOLYMPICS.COM,                                     )

WEBOLIMPICO.COM,                                          )

WEBOLYMPIC.COM,                                           )

WEBOLYMPIC.NET,                                             )

WEBOLYMPICS.COM,                                          )

WEBOLYMPICS.NET,                                           )

WEBOLYMPICS.ORG,                                           )

WEBOLYMPICS2000.COM,                                    )

WELCOMEOLYMPIC.COM,                                   )


WHERE-THEOLYMPICS-LIVES.COM,                      )

WHISTLER2010OLYMPICS.COM,                           )

WHISTLER-OLYMPICS.COM,                                )

WHISTLEROLYMPICS.NET,                                   )

WHISTLEROLYMPICS2010.COM,                           )

WHISTLER-WINTER-OLYMPICS.COM,                    )

WILDABOUTTHEOLYMPICS.COM,                        )

WINTEROLYMPICGAMES.COM,                                    )

WINTEROLYMPICRESULTS.COM,                         )

WINTEROLYMPICS2002.COM,                               )

WINTEROLYMPICS2010.COM,                               )

WINTEROLYMPICS2014.COM,                               )

WINTEROLYMPICS2018.COM,                               )

WINTEROLYMPICS2022.COM,                               )

WINTEROLYMPICS365.COM,                                )


WINTEROLYMPICSMAD.COM,                             )

WINTEROLYMPICS-MAD.COM,                                     )

WINTEROLYMPICSMAD.NET,                              )

WINTEROLYMPICS-MAD.NET,                             )

WINTER-OLYMPICS-ONLINE.COM,                       )

WINTEROLYMPICSRESULTS.COM,                        )


WITHOLYMPIC.COM,                                          )

WITHOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

WORLDINTERNETOLYMPIC.COM,                        )

WORLD-OLIMPIC-GAMES.COM,                                    )

WORLD-OLIMPICS.COM,                                              )

WORLDOLYMPIC.NET,                                        )

WORLDOLYMPIC.ORG,                                        )

WORLD-OLYMPICS.COM,                                    )

WORLDWIDEWEBOLYMPICS.COM,                       )

WWWOLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

WWW-OLYMPICS.COM,                                       )

WWWOLYMPICSCOM.COM,                                 )

XOLYMPICSX.COM,                                            )

XXIXOLYMPIAD.COM,                                        )

XXIXOLYMPIAD.NET,                                         )

XXIXOLYMPIAD.ORG,                                        )

XXVIIIOLYMPIAD.COM,                                      )

XXVIIIOLYMPIAD.NET,                                       )

XXVIIIOLYMPIAD.ORG,                                       )

XXXOLYMPIAD.COM,                                         )

XXXOLYMPIAD.NET,                                          )

XXXOLYMPIAD.ORG,                                         )

Y2KSYDNEYOLYMPICS.COM,                               )

YOOLYMPICS.COM,                                            )

YOUROLYMPICS.COM,                                        )

YR2000OLYMPICS.COM,                                      )


                  Defendants.                                     )






The United States Olympic Committee (AUSOC@), International Olympic Committee (AIOC@) and Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002 (“SLOC”) (which designations include their predecessors-in-interest), (hereinafter collectively “Plaintiffs”) allege as follows:




1.       Plaintiffs USOC and SLOC file this in rem action under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (AACPA@), 15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d), against the res, the above-captioned unauthorized domain names (collectively the ADomain Names@ or the ADomain Name Defendants@).  The Domain Names contain  Plaintiffs’ distinct, famous and world-renowned trademarks OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD and simulations thereof such as  misspellings and foreign equivalents (hereinafter the AOLYMPIC Marks@), as specified in Paragraphs 23-28, 31-33 and 46.


2.       Plaintiff IOC seeks relief pursuant to Section 44(h) of the Lanham Act, which provides that citizens of foreign nations with which the United States has a trademark, trade name, or unfair competition treaty Ashall be entitled to effective protection against unfair competition, and the remedies provided in this chapter [the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. ' 1051 et seq.] for infringement of marks shall be available so far as they may be appropriate in repressing acts of unfair competition.@ 15 U.S.C. ' 1126(h).  The United States and Switzerland are parties to the  International Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property, 21 U.S.T. 1583, T.I.A.S. No. 6923.  Thus, the provisions of the ACPA, 15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d), protect the IOC=s trademarks [as defined in Paragraphs 37-40 (the “IOC OLYMPIC Marks”)] to the same extent as they protect U.S. trademarks.  IOC is thus entitled to a remedy against the unfair competition caused by the acts of the owners of the unauthorized Domain Names based on IOC=s ownership of distinct, famous and world-renowned OLYMPIC Marks, listed in Paragraphs 37-40.  Unless otherwise specified, the term OLYMPIC Marks refers to the Plaintiffs’ Marks listed in Paragraphs 23-28, 31-33, 37-40 and 46.

 3.     Plaintiffs have encountered a large and growing problem of unauthorized persons registering domain names containing the distinctive, famous and world-renowned OLYMPIC Marks with a bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of the OLYMPIC Marks. The owners of the Domain Name Defendants, who reside outside the United States in 53 countries, are not authorized to use the OLYMPIC Marks in the Domain Names and have registered over 1,800 domain names containing the OLYMPIC Marks.  For example, there are unauthorized Domain Names containing the OLYMPIC Marks (and in many instances additional words) that falsely suggest an association with:

 a.      2000, 2002, 2004 and 2006 Olympic Games;


 b.      bid cities that are seeking to become the host city for the 2008 Olympic Games;


 c.      Olympic Games for years after the 2008 Olympic Games, such as the 2012 Olympic Games;


 d.      Olympic sports, such as Olympic gymnastics and table tennis;


 e.      sponsorship of the Olympic Games;


 f.       Olympics and pornography; and


 g.      Olympics and gambling.


Many of the Domain Names are for sale to the highest bidder.


4.       Congress recognized the need to provide trademark owners with a means of addressing Athe serious threats to American consumers, businesses, and the future of electronic commerce, which derive from the deliberate, bad-faith registration of Internet domain names in violation of the rights of trademark owners.@ Statement of Senator Hatch in supporting passage of the ACPA, 106 Cong. Rec. S. 10515 (Aug. 5, 1999).

 5.      The ACPA, 15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d)(1)(A), which was enacted on November 29, 1999, makes unlawful the bad faith registration, trafficking in or use of a domain name that:

a.       in the case of a mark that is distinctive at the time of registration of the domain name, is identical or confusingly similar to that mark;


b.       in the case of a famous mark that is famous at the time of registration of the domain  name, is identical or confusingly similar to or dilutive of that mark; or


c.       is a trademark, word or name protected by the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act (AOlympic and Amateur Sports Act@), 36 U.S.C. ' 220506.   


15 U.S.C. § 1125(d)(1)(A)(i)(III).


6.       The OLYMPIC Marks are distinctive, famous, world-renowned, and protected by the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, 36 U.S.C. '  220506(a)(4), and the Domain Names are identical or confusingly similar to or dilutive of the OLYMPIC Marks.

7.       As owners (and licensee in the case of SLOC) of the OLYMPIC Marks contained in the Domain Names, Plaintiffs seek the forfeiture or cancellation of the Domain Names and/or the transfer of the Domain Names as provided for in the ACPA, 15 U.S.C. '  1125(d)(2)(D)(i).




8.       This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 15 U.S.C. '' 1121(a), 1125(d) and 28 U.S.C. '' 1331, 1338(a).

9.       The ACPA [15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d)(2)(A)(i)(I)] provides that an in rem action against domain names is proper if the court finds that the owners of trademarks protected by the ACPA are unable to obtain in personam jurisdiction over a person who would have been a defendant under Paragraph (1) of the ACPA.  15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d)(1). Paragraph 1 provides for filing a civil action against  a person that registers, traffics in or uses a domain name where there exists a bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark that is either identical, confusingly similar to or dilutive of a mark, or is a mark, word or name protected by the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act.

10.     The legislative history of  the ACPA indicates that the inability to obtain in personam jurisdiction Aoccurs when a non-U.S. resident cybersquats on a domain name that infringes a U.S. trademark.@ H.R. Rep. 106-412 at 9 (1999). 


11.     In rem jurisdiction is proper as Plaintiffs, on information and belief, are not able to obtain in personam jurisdiction over the owners of the Domain Names because all of them are located outside the United States, in 53 countries, and they would have otherwise been defendants in a civil action under Paragraph (1) of the ACPA.  15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d)(1).  Consequently, an in rem action is proper by way of this civil action.  

12.     The ACPA provides that, in an in rem action, a domain name shall be deemed to have its situs in (a) the judicial district in which the domain name registry is located, or (b) where documents sufficient to establish control and authority regarding the disposition of the registration and use of the domain names are deposited with the court.  15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d)(2)(C). 

13.     This court has jurisdiction over the res--the Domain Names that are the subject of this complaint--because Network Solutions, Inc. (ANSI@), the registry which maintains the centralized database for domain names, including the Domain Names, has its principal place of business at 505 Huntmar Park Drive, Herndon, Virginia 20170, which is located in this District.  NSI maintains the shared reservation system that allows all registrars to enter new domain names into the master directory and to submit modifications, transfers, re-registrations and deletions of existing domain names.

14.     The ACPA provides that in an in rem action, upon receipt of a written notification of a filed, stamped copy of a complaint filed in a United States district court by the owner of a mark, the domain name registry shall:

a.       expeditiously deposit with the court documents sufficient to establish the court’s control and authority regarding the disposition of the registration and use of the domain name to the court; and



b.       not transfer, suspend, or otherwise modify the domain name during the pendency of  the action, except upon order of the court.


                  15 U.S.C. § 1125(d)(2)(D).


15.     Upon Plaintiffs= notification of this complaint to the 17 registrars with which the Domain Names were registered, on information and belief, the 17 registrars will deposit the registrar certificates that will provide this Court with control over the Domain Names.         

16.     Venue is proper in this District because NSI, the registry, is located in this District and, under 28 U.S.C. ' 1391(b), a substantial part of the events giving rise to the claims occurred in this District.




17.      The United States Olympic Committee (AUSOC@) is a non-profit, Congressionally chartered corporation, with its principal place of business at One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909-5760.

18.      The International Olympic Committee (AIOC@) is an international non-governmental, non-profit organization that was created by the International Athletic Congress of Paris on June 23, 1894, is recognized by the Swiss Federal Council and is organized and existing under the laws of Switzerland.  IOC=s principal place of business is Chateau de Vidy, CH-1007, Lausanne, Switzerland.

19.     The Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games of 2002 (ASLOC@) is a non-profit Utah corporation, with its principal place of business at 299 Main Street, Suite 1300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.




20.     The USOC does not receive federal funding for its funding of the Olympic Movement in the United States.  USOC uses legitimate license and sponsorship fees to house, feed, train and otherwise support U.S. Olympic athletes to finance the Unites States= participation in the biannual Olympic Games/Olympic Winter Games. Specifically, the USOC:


a.       hosts annually approximately 25,000 athletes, coaches, officials and the program staff for the USOC National Governing Bodies (“NGBs”), (the amateur sports organizations recognized by the USOC pursuant to 36 U.S.C. § 220521, such as USA Basketball) at its three Olympic training centers (located in Chula Vista, California; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Lake Placid, New York) and its U.S. Olympic Education Center in Marquette, Michigan;


b.       commits $8 million to various college conferences to support emerging Olympic Sports, such as Women=s Ice Hockey, or Olympic Sports that are declining at the collegiate level, such as Men=s Gymnastics;


c.       works with local communities and helps fund at least 20 sports in partnership with the NGBs on behalf of the Community  Olympic Development Programs in Atlanta, Georgia; Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota; San Antonio, Texas; and Salt Lake City, Utah;


d.       directs grants to some 2,300 individual athletes (with awards ranging from $200.00 to $100,000.00) for a total of $26 million for the current quadrennium (1997-2000);


e.       awards $130 million in grants to its member organizations, which include the NGBs for the individual Olympic Sports, in its current quadrennium;


f.       supports U.S. athletes and teams in national and international competitions; and


g.              fulfills its statutorily required purposes under 36 U.S.C. ' 220503.

21.     The USOC is responsible for protecting the marks of the IOC and the Olympic Movement in the United States and the integrity of the biannual Olympic Games and Olympic Winter Games when held in the United States.  The 2002 Olympic Winter Games are scheduled to be held in Salt Lake City in February, 2002.  Because the Olympic Games are held on a biannual basis, the USOC is involved on a full-time basis in fulfilling its role as the custodian of the U.S. Olympic Movement in the United States.  In this role, the USOC=s mission is training, entering and underwriting the full expenses for the United States teams in the Olympic Games.   

22.     Since the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, in 1896, the USOC has been using certain words and symbols throughout the United States in connection with the United States= participation in the Olympic Games, including, but not limited to, the words OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD (the interval of four years beginning with the opening of one Olympic Games and the closing of the next Olympic Games).  Moreover, the USOC, on its own and/or through its sponsors and licensees, has extensively and continuously used the words OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD as trademarks in interstate commerce on and in connection with numerous goods and services.  The OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD marks are widely recognized by consumers throughout the United States as being associated with the USOC, IOC, SLOC and Olympic activities.  As a result of the above activities, the OLYMPIC marks are famous.




23.     Under the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, the U.S. Congress granted USOC the exclusive right in the United States to make commercial use of the word OLYMPIC. 36 U.S.C.'§ 220506(a)(4).  Grandfathered rights to make commercial use of this word exist for parties that were actually using it prior to September 21, 1950.  36 U.S.C. ' 220506(d).   For violations of the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, Congress authorized the USOC to file civil suits for the remedies provided in the Lanham Act.  36 U.S.C. ' 220506(c).

24.     In the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, Congress also statutorily prohibited the commercial use of any trademark, trade name, sign, symbol, or insignia falsely representing association with, or authorization by, USOC and IOC and, further, prohibited commercial use of the word OLYMPIC or any simulation thereof tending to cause confusion or mistake, to deceive, or to falsely suggest a connection with USOC or any Olympic activity. 36 U.S.C. § 220506(c)(3)(4).

25.     The USOC is also the sole and exclusive owner of a federally registered trademark for the mark OLYMPIC, which is on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office=s (APTO@) Principal Register.  The PTO issued the registration for the OLYMPIC trademark to USOC on September 18, 1973, and assigned it U.S. Trademark Registration No. 968,566, for use on and in connection with a wide variety of goods and services. The first use date was at least as early as 1920, which is long prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  A true and correct copy of the registration for this trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

 26.     On March 26, 1974, the PTO issued U.S. Trademark Registration No. 980,734 to USOC for the trademark UNITED STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE (and Design), which is on the PTO=s Principal Register, for use on and in connection with a wide variety of goods and services. The first use date was at least as early as 1932, which is long prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  A true and correct copy of the registration for this trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit 2.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

27.     On September 22, 1987, the PTO issued U.S. Trademark Registration No. 1,458,432 to USOC for the trademark USA OLYMPICS (and Design) which is on the PTO=s Principal Register for use on footwear.  The mark was first used on footwear as early as April 11, 1986, which is long prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  A true and correct copy of this registration is attached hereto as Exhibit 3.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

28.     On January 25, 2000, the PTO issued U.S. Trademark Registration No. 2,311,493 to  USOC for the trademark OLYMPIC which is on the PTO=s Principal Register for selecting and obtaining the most competent amateur athletes to represent the United States in international athletic competitions and events, and organizing athletic competitions and events when they are celebrated in the United States.  The mark was first used in 1896, which is long prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  A true and correct copy of this registration is attached hereto as Exhibit 4.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

29.     The USOC also has a large number of federal trademark registrations for marks containing the OLYMPIC mark.

30.     The USOC has been extensively engaged in the business of using and/or licensing others to use the OLYMPIC mark throughout the United States.  The OLYMPIC mark is inherently distinctive and/or, on information and belief, has acquired distinctiveness prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  The goodwill connected with the OLYMPIC mark is a valuable asset needed to ensure the USOC=s long-term ability to fund the U.S. Olympic Team for the biannual Olympic Games/Olympic Winter Games.








31.     Under the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, the U.S. Congress granted USOC the exclusive right in the United States to make commercial use of the word OLYMPIAD.  36 U.S.C. ' 220506(a)(4).  Grandfathered rights to make commercial use of this word exist for parties that were actually using it prior to September 21, 1950.  36 U.S.C. ' 220506(d).

32.     In the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, Congress also statutorily prohibited the commercial use of any trademark, trade name, sign, symbol, or insignia falsely representing association with, or authorization by, USOC and IOC, and, further, prohibited commercial use of the word OLYMPIAD or any simulation thereof tending to cause confusion or mistake, to deceive, or to falsely suggest a connection with USOC or any Olympic activity.  36 U.S.C.  § 220506(c)(3)(4).

33.     The USOC is also the sole and exclusive owner of a federally registered trademark for the mark ATLANTA 1996 CULTURAL OLYMPIAD (and Design), which is on the PTO=s Principal Register.  The PTO issued the U.S. registration for the ATLANTA 1996 CULTURAL OLYMPIAD (and Design) mark on October 24, 1995, and assigned it U.S. Trademark Registration No. 1,929,147, for use in connection with a wide variety of services.  The mark was first used in 1994, which is long prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  The registration was assigned to USOC by the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games, Inc. (“ACOG”) on January 5, 1999.   A true and correct copy of the registration for this trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit 5.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

34.     The USOC has been extensively engaged in the business of using and/or licensing others to use the mark OLYMPIAD throughout the United States.  The OLYMPIAD mark is inherently distinctive and/or, on information and belief, has acquired distinctiveness long prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  The goodwill connected with the OLYMPIAD mark is a valuable asset needed to ensure USOC=s long-term ability to fund the U.S. Olympic Team for the biannual Olympic Games/Olympic Winter Games.




35.     The IOC is the umbrella organization of the Olympic Movement, which consists of the IOC, the International Sports Federations, the 199 National Olympic Committees, the Organizing Committees for the Olympic Games, national sports associations, clubs and the persons belonging to them, and the athletes. 

36.      The IOC owns all rights to the Olympic Games and the Olympic symbol, flag, motto and anthem.  One of the IOC=s principal responsibilities is to supervise the organization of the biannual Olympic Games and Olympic Winter Games.  The IOC receives no government funding; its revenues are derived primarily from the sale of television rights for broadcasting of the Olympic Games and from marketing (licensing and sponsorship) programs.  The IOC distributes its revenues to support the Olympic Movement.

37.     On April 1, 1993, the Swiss Trademark Office issued to the IOC Registration No. 406021 for the trademark OLYMPIC for use on and in connection with a wide variety of goods and services.  A true and correct copy of the registration for this trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit 6.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

38.     On April 1, 1993, the Swiss Trademark Office issued to the IOC Registration No. 408297 for the trademark OLYMPIQUE  (the French language equivalent of  OLYMPIC) for use on and in connection with a wide variety of goods and services.  A true and correct copy of the registration for this trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit 7.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

39.     On April 1, 1993, the Swiss Trademark Office issued to the IOC Registration No. 410107 for the trademark OLYMPIAD for use on and in connection with a wide variety of goods and services.  A true and correct copy of the registration for this trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit 8.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

40.     On April 1, 1993, the Swiss Trademark Office issued to the IOC Registration No. 410106 for the trademark OLYMPIADE (the German language equivalent of Olympic Games) for use on and in connection with a wide variety of goods and services.  A true and correct copy of the registration for this trademark is attached hereto as Exhibit 9.  Said registration is in full force and effect.

41.     In addition, the IOC has registrations of the OLYMPIC mark in many other countries, including, but not limited to:  Australia, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Spain and Taiwan.

42.     The IOC has been extensively engaged in the business of using and/or licensing others to use the IOC OLYMPIC Marks in its marketing programs throughout the world, including the United States, such as the worldwide sponsorship agreements with Coca-Cola, Kodak and Visa.   The IOC OLYMPIC Marks are inherently distinctive and/or, on information and belief, have acquired distinctiveness long prior to the registration of the Domain Names.  The goodwill associated with the IOC OLYMPIC Marks is a valuable asset needed to ensure IOC=s long-term ability to help fund the Olympic Movement.






43.     The SLOC was formed in 1989 to organize, promote, fund and host the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games.

44.     The SLOC is a licensee of USOC and is authorized to use and license others to use the OLYMPIC Marks registered to and owned by USOC. 

45.     About twenty-five percent of SLOC=s $1.33 billion budget for the staging of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games is derived from the licensing of the OLYMPIC Marks and other marks associated with the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games to sponsors and through the sale of licensed merchandise.  

46.     With the consent of USOC, SLOC is now and, on information and belief, has been, since prior to the registration of the Domain Names, using several OLYMPIC Marks to identify its goods and services, each of which serves as a source identifier for SLOC and relates to the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games to be held in and around Salt Lake City, Utah in February 2002, including the following marks: SALT LAKE CITY OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES OF 2002, SALT LAKE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE FOR OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES OF 2002, SALT LAKE CITY OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES 2002, XIX OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES, OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES SALT LAKE 2002, OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES, and 2002 OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES. The goodwill associated with these marks is a valuable asset needed to ensure SLOC=s ability to raise the funds necessary to stage the 2002 Olympic Winter Games.




47.     The 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Sydney, Australia, from September 15 through October 1, 2000. 

48.      The 2002 Olympic Winter Games will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, from February 8 through 24, 2002.

49.     The 2004 Olympic Games will be held in Athens, Greece, from August 13 through 29, 2004.

50.     The 2006 Olympic Winter Games are scheduled to be held in Turin, Italy. 

51.     The following ten cities have submitted applications to the IOC to host the Olympic Games in 2008: Bangkok, Thailand; Beijing, China; Cairo, Egypt; Havana, Cuba; Istanbul, Turkey; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Osaka, Japan; Paris, France; Seville, Spain; and Toronto, Canada.  The host city for the 2008 Olympic Winter Games will be elected in July 2001 in Moscow, Russian Federation.




52.     The Internet is a worldwide network of computers through which businesses and individuals can communicate through electronic mail (Ae-mail@) and the exchange of graphics-based Aweb@ pages; i.e., a computer file containing names, pictures, text, sound and links to other web pages that is served to the Internet by a computer.  A collection of web pages is known as a web site, which is identified by a unique electronic address known as an Internet Protocol (AIP@).  Web sites are accessible by computers throughout the world. 

53.           Communications on the Internet are sent by establishing a connection with a Ahost@ computer and the IP address.  Host computer IP addresses consist of a unique series of numbers, such as 123.156.189.  Domain name servers (specialized computers) maintain tables which match IP addresses with alphanumeric Adomain names,@ such as  “”, that are easier to remember and use than the numerical IP addresses.

54.            Domain names consist of at least two parts, which are called Adomain levels.@  Each domain level is separated by a period, which is referred to as a Adot.@ The top level domains (ATLDs@) are referred to by their Internet Azone@ designations, such as,@ and most significant TLDs in terms of numbers of domain name registrations.  (Other TLDs include the country code TLDs, such as “.au” for Australia.)  These zones or TLDs are found to the right of the dot.  ASecond level@ domains, which are commonly referred to as the Adomain name,@ are those characters immediately to the left of the TLDs, such as AUSOC@ in the domain name

55.     Internet domain names are indispensable because there is no satisfactory Internet equivalent to a telephone directory or directory assistance. The public recognizes and often relies on the expectation that a corporate name can be found by incorporating such names into a company=s domain names for web site addresses.  Internet users throughout the world typically type in the name of a company, the company=s trademark, or other terms associated with the company, in this matter Olympic terminology, to find information about the company. 

56.     A domain name containing an organization=s name or trademark is a valuable asset for use in communicating with interested persons and in conducting business on the Internet.  However, a domain name incorporating the organization=s name or trademark that is used by an unauthorized  third party creates the potential for substantial dilution, blurring, tarnishment and consumer confusion.  Internet users may reasonably assume that the third party=s domain name is sponsored by, affiliated with, or somehow authorized or approved by the owner of the corporate name or trademark.








57.     Domain name registrations involve three entities: (a) the registrant; (b) the registrar; and (c) the registry.  The registrant is the individual or organization that registers a specific domain name with a registrar.  The individual or organization holds the right to use the specific domain name for a specified period of time, provided certain conditions are met and the registration fees are paid.  In applying for domain names, registrants represent and warrant that Aneither the registration of [their] domain name nor the manner in which [they] intend to use such domain name will directly or indirectly infringe the legal rights of a third party . . . .@ Registrants also agree with their registrars that in the event of the filing of a complaint and receipt thereof  by their registrars, the registrar may deposit control of the domain name record into the registry of the judicial body by supplying a party with a registrar certificate.

58.     The 110 competing Registrars (an additional 13 have qualified for accreditation, but are not yet fully accredited) process domain name registrations for registrants and send the domain name service (ADNS@) information (i.e., domain name, name server names and name server IP numbers) to the Internet domain name registry.  The registrars do not screen domain name applications; instead, they issue domain name registrations on a first-come, first-served basis.

59.     NSI maintains the exclusive registry for the,@ and TLDs, and ensures the uniqueness of Internet domain names; i.e., only one entity can register a unique domain name.  NSI receives DNS information from domain name registrars, inserts that information into a centralized database (the AA@ root server), and propagates the information in Internet zone files on the Internet. This enables Internet users throughout the world to find domain names by applications, such as the World Wide Web and e-mail.




60.     The number of domain names has rapidly increased from an estimated 100,000 in early 1995 for all TLDs.  In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of domain name registrations for the,@ and TLDs, from 2.8 million as of September 30, 1998, to 6.5 million as of September 30, 1999.  The rapid increase in the number of domain name registrations in those TLDs continues to increase--from 507,000 for the third quarter of 1998 to 1.5 million for the third quarter of 1999.

61.     Plaintiffs have encountered a large increase in the number of domain names containing OLYMPIC Marks, due not only to the general increase in domain name registrations, but also to the decision of NSI, the largest (and, until November 1999, the only) registrar for the “.com,” “.net” and “.org”  TLDs, to discontinue the screening of applications for domain names and rejecting those that contained matches of the OLYMPIC and OLYMPIAD marks.  The Domain Names were registered with 17 registrars.

62.     Some individuals or entities register domain names containing famous trademarks or variations of famous trademarks without the consent of the trademark owners for the purposes of (a) selling them to potential users, (b) extracting money from the trademark owner, (c) using the domain names to divert Internet users seeking a lawful trademark owner=s web site to an unrelated web site, thereby creating public confusion, (d) using the domain name for some other unlawful purpose, such as gambling or pornographic web sites, and or (e) profiting from the goodwill of a famous trademark in some other manner.

63.     The registration of domain names containing famous marks means that the owners of famous marks must monitor domain names to determine whether a domain name is being used to imply a false association or affiliation with the owner of the famous marks, to sell counterfeit products, to advertise pornography, or other infringing use.

64.     The registration of a domain name itself can create public confusion and dilute the strength of a famous trademark.  An Internet user seeking to locate Plaintiffs may not be able to do so through the Whois data base (an Internet accessible data base maintained by registrars which lists contact information provided by registrants at the time of registration) due to the large number of unauthorized domain name registrations containing the distinctive, world renowned and famous OLYMPIC Marks which  are registered to entities with no affiliation or connection to Plaintiffs. Unauthorized domain names containing the OLYMPIC Marks diminish the distinctiveness of the OLYMPIC Marks.

65.     The World Intellectual Property Organization (AWIPO@), an entity organized under the auspices of the United Nations to protect intellectual property rights, has pointed out the problems caused by domain name infringement.  It noted that:

AFamous and well-known marks have been the special target of a variety of predatory and parasitical practices on the Internet.  Several terms have been coined to describe these practices: >cybersquatting,= where a person registers as a domain name the mark, often famous or well-known, of another, taking advantage of the registration practice of first-come, first-served, in the hope of either blocking the owner of the mark from using the mark as a domain name, or being able to sell the domain name registration to the owner in return for a healthy premium that is nevertheless less than the amount the owner would need to spend in litigation to remove the cybersquatter; and ‘warehousing=, where a person registers many such marks as domain names, thus hoarding up a digital collection of marks that can be offered for sale.”  Interim Report of the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process, 61 (Paragraph 203 (Dec. 23, 1998),       which can be found at A



66.     More recently, in August 1999, the Senate Judiciary Committee stated that:


A[t]rademark owners are facing a new form of piracy on the Internet caused by acts of >cybersquatting,= which refers to the deliberate, bad-faith, and abusive registration of Internet domain names in violation of the rights of trademark owners . . . .The practice of cybersquatting harms consumers, electronic commerce, and the goodwill equity of valuable U.S. brand names, upon which consumers increasingly rely to locate the true source of genuine goods and services on the Internet.@  The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, Rept. No. 106-140 at 4-5 (Aug. 5, 1999).


67.     In enacting the ACPA, Congress stated that its purpose is to make actionable the Aregistration, trafficking in, or use of a domain name that is identical or confusingly similar to, or dilutive of the mark of another. . . .@ Conf. Rept. H.R. 106-464 at 108 (Nov. 9, 1999).

68.     The ACPA provides in pertinent part:




A person shall be liable in a civil action by the owner of a mark . . . if, without regard to the goods or services of the parties, that person-


(i)      has a bad faith intent to profit from that mark . . .; and


(ii)      registers, traffics in, or uses a domain name  -


(I)      in the case of a mark that is distinctive at the time of registration of the domain name, is identical or confusingly similar to that mark;


(II)     in the case of a famous mark that is famous at the time of registration of the domain name, is identical or confusingly similar to or dilutive of that mark; or


(III)        is a trademark, word or name protected by reason of ... (or) section 220506 of title 36, United States Code.”


15 U.S.C. § 1125(d)(1)(A).







69.        The USOC uses its OLYMPIC Marks in domain names that it owns such as “”; “”; “”; “”; “”; “”; “”; “”; “”; and “”.   

70.     The IOC has registered the domain names “” and “” for its web site where it provides information about the Olympic Movement, including the following new areas:  “” (it follows the stories of five Olympic athletes pursuing their Olympic dream through the Olympic Solidarity scholarship program); “” (information concerning the IOC’s various Olympic memorabilia initiatives); and “” (a virtual gallery of Olympic exhibitions, including hundreds of photos and videos from the Olympic archives).

71.     The USOC has licensed SLOC to use the OLYMPIC Marks in, among other things, the following domain names which contain the OLYMPIC mark:  “;;;;;;; and “  Moreover, the USOC owns the domain name “”, which it has licensed to NBC and Quokka Sport for use in connection with an online store that offers for sale official merchandise of USOC and the Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (“SOCOG”).

72.      Other National Olympic Committees (ANOCs@) and Organizing Committees of Olympic Games (AOCOGs@) have registered and own their domain names containing OLYMPIC Marks. For example, the SOCOG has registered the domain name “” for its website, where it provides information regarding the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and offers Sydney 2000 Olympic Games merchandise.  Similarly, the Athens Organizing Committee has registered the domain name “” for its web site, where it provides information about the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.




73.     The Domain Names contain the OLYMPIC Marks and simulations thereof such as misspellings (e.g., AOlympik@ and AOlimpics@) and foreign equivalents (e.g., OLYMPIQUE and OLIMPICO respectively, the French and Spanish words for OLYMPIC).  The Domain Names were registered without Plaintiffs= authorization long after the OLYMPIC Marks became famous and distinctive and, on information and belief, are not grandfathered by the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, nor authorized or approved by the OCOGs or the NOCs.  The Domain Names violate the ACPA because (a) they contain words protected by the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, 15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d)(1)(A)(ii)(III), including words falsely representing association with, or authorization, by USOC, IOC or SLOC, or simulations or derivations of words falsely suggesting a connection with USOC or an Olympic activity or the Olympic Movement and (b) their owners have registered, trafficked in or used the Domain Names with a bad faith intent to profit from the OLYMPIC Marks. 

74.     The owners of the Domain Names have engaged in bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill that USOC, IOC, SLOC and the Olympic Movement have created from the Olympic Games since the first modern Olympic Games in 1896.  The Domain Names undermine the long-term ability of (a) USOC to fund the U.S. Olympic Team for the biannual Olympic Games/Olympic Winter Games, (b) IOC to fund the Olympic Movement, and (c) SLOC to fund the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympic Winter Games.  

75.     The ACPA lists the following nine nonexclusive, nonexhaustive factors that a court may consider in determining whether a person has engaged in bad faith registration, trafficking in or use of another’s mark:

a.              the trademark or other intellectual property rights of the person, if any, in the domain name;


b.              the extent to which the domain name consists of the legal name of the person or a name that is otherwise commonly used to identify that person;


c.              the person’s prior use, if any, of the domain name in connection with the bona fide offering of any goods or services;


d.              the person’s bona fide noncommercial or fair use of the mark in a site accessible under the domain name;


e.              the person’s intent to divert consumers from the mark owner’s online location to a site accessible under the domain name that could harm the goodwill represented by the mark, either for commercial gain or with the intent to tarnish or disparage the mark, by creating a likelihood of confusion as to the source, sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of the site;


f.               the person’s offer to transfer, sell, or otherwise assign the domain name to the mark owner or any third party for financial gain without having used the domain name in the bona fide offering of any goods or services;


g.              the person’s provision of material and misleading false contact information when applying for the registration of the domain name or the person’s intentional failure to maintain accurate contact information;


h.              the person’s registration or acquisition of multiple domain names which the person knows are identical or confusingly similar to others’ distinctive or famous marks; and


i.               the extent to which the mark incorporated in the person’s domain name is distinctive and famous. 


76.       On information and belief, the owners of the Domain Names have shown a bad faith intent to profit from the OLYMPIC Marks by engaging in conduct listed in one or more of the ACPA criteria listed in Paragraph 75 (e) to (i).

77.       On information and belief, the owners of the Domain Names have evidenced a bad faith intent to profit from the OLYMPIC Marks by falsely suggesting a connection with the USOC or Olympic activities, or falsely representing an association with, or authorization by, the IOC, SLOC or the USOC. 

78.           On information and belief, the owners of the Domain Names have not satisfied any of  the  ACPA’s statutory criteria listed in Paragraph 75 (a) to (d) that tend to indicate an absence of bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of the OLYMPIC Marks.

79.     The unlawful Domain Names fall into several categories, including the following categories set forth in Paragraphs 80-89.




80.     Several of the Domain Names have been registered in order to sell them to the highest bidder.  For example, the following Domain Names are for sale:











f.; and








81.     A large number of the Domain Names contain words that falsely suggest an association with, or sponsorship by, specific Olympic Games, and thus an association with USOC, IOC, SLOC or an Olympic activity, including the following Domain Names that contain the year dates and city names for which Olympic venues have been selected:   

a.       the 2000 Sydney Olympic;


b.       the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic;


c.       the 2004 Athens Olympic Games- “; and


d.       the 2006 Turin Olympic”.



In addition, many of the Domain Names falsely suggest an association with bid cities that are seeking to become the host cities for the 2008 Olympic Games—with the clear intent being to obtain a domain name registration for the 2008 Olympic Games--including:





c.       “;












i.; and





82.           Other Domain Names falsely suggest an association with Olympic Games that will occur in the future, including:











f.       A”; and







83.     Other Domain Names falsely suggest an association with the Olympic Movement by their combination of the words OLYMPIC or OLYMPICS and the name of an Olympic or other sport, such as the following Domain Names:





c.; and







84.     USOC funds the United States= participation in the biannual Olympic Games and the Olympic Winter Games by entering into sponsorship and licensing agreements.  IOC helps fund the Olympic Movement through, among other things, marketing programs which involve the licensing of the IOC=s OLYMPIC Marks.  SLOC is funding a large portion of its budget for funding the staging of the 2002 Olympic Winter Games through licensing and sponsorship programs related to the OLYMPIC Marks.

85.     Some of the Domain Names falsely imply sponsorship of the Olympic Games and thus interfere with Plaintiffs= ability to obtain licensing and sponsorship fees.  For example, the following Domain Names imply such a sponsorship or licensing relationship:

a.       Aofficialsoftdrinkofthe;




c.; and







86.     Unauthorized registrants of domain names all too frequently register domain names containing famous marks that suggest pornographic services.  The pornographic Domain Names dilute and tarnish the Olympic Movement.  Among the pornographic Domain Names are:





c.; and







87.     Some Domain Names contain the OLYMPIC Marks and words associated with gambling. The Olympic Movement regards the association of gambling and Olympic Sports as antithetical to the Olympic Movement. Such an association dilutes and tarnishes the Olympic Movement.  Among the gambling Domain Names are:





c.; and







88.     Under U.S. trademark law, foreign (at least for major languages) equivalents of U.S. trademarks constitute infringement of the U.S. marks.  Consequently, the Domain Names that contain foreign equivalents of the OLYMPIC Marks constitute a violation of Plaintiffs= rights.

Among the Domain Names containing foreign equivalents are:


a. Portuguese equivalent of  “Olympic digest”;


b. Italian equivalent of AOlympics”;


c."--the Spanish equivalent of the A2000 Olympic   Games@;


d. Spanish equivalent of the A2008 Olympic Games@;


e. French equivalent of the A2000 Olympic Games@;  and


f. French equivalent of the A2004 Olympic Games”.





89.     Some of the Domain Names contain simulations of the OLYMPIC Marks, such as the following Domain Names:





c.; and







90.      Upon information and belief, all of the Domain Names were registered by a cybersquatter, and the Domain Names and relevant information regarding the owner of the Domain Names as listed on the Whois database are attached as Exhibit 10.







91.     Plaintiffs reallege the allegations of Paragraphs 1-90 as set forth above, which are incorporated herein by this reference.

92.     Upon information and belief, the OLYMPIC Marks were distinctive and famous at the time of the registration of the Domain Names and were, and are now, protected by the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act and the Lanham Act.

93.     Upon information and belief, the Domain Names were registered long after the USOC and SLOC adopted the OLYMPIC Marks and long after the OLYMPIC Marks became distinctive and famous.

94.     The Domain Names are identical to, confusingly similar to or dilutive of the OLYMPIC Marks.

95.     The Domain Names contain the OLYMPIC Marks protected by the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, 36 U.S.C. ' 220506, simulations thereof and foreign equivalents and the ACPA provides that a showing of bad faith intent registration, trafficking in or use of domain names containing the OLYMPIC Marks constitutes a violation of the ACPA.

96.      Upon information and belief, the registration, trafficking in or use of the Domain Names by their owners shows a bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of Plaintiffs USOC’s and SLOC’s OLYMPIC Marks and, thus, constitutes acts of cyberpiracy in violation of the ACPA.

97.                             Upon information and belief, the owners of the Domain Names are located outside of the United States and this Court lacks personal jurisdiction over them.

         WHEREFORE, USOC and SLOC pray for judgment and relief as follows:


a.                       That the  Domain Names set forth in the Complaint and in Exhibit 10 be cancelled and/or forfeited, or transferred to USOC and SLOC; and


b.                       For such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.









98.      IOC realleges the allegations of Paragraphs 1-97 as set forth above, which are incorporated herein by this reference.

99.      This claim is made pursuant to Section 44 of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S. C. ' 1126, which provides that persons whose country of origin is a party to any convention or treaty relating to trademarks, trade or commercial names, or the repression of unfair competition, to which the United States is also a party, shall be entitled to the benefits of the Lanham Act to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision of such treaty.

100.    Switzerland and the United States are signatories to the International Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property.  21 U.S.T. 1583, T.I.A.S. 6923.

101.    Because IOC is entitled to the benefits of Section 44(b), it is also entitled to Aeffective protection against unfair competition, and the remedies provided in this chapter [the Lanham Act] for infringement of marks shall be available so far as they may be appropriate in repressing acts of unfair competition.@ 15 U.S.C. ' 1126(h).

102.    The owners of the Domain Names engaged in unfair competition through the bad faith unauthorized registration, trafficking in or use of the Domain Names that contain the IOC OLYMPIC Marks, simulations thereof and foreign equivalents in violation of 15 U.S.C. ' 1125(d).

WHEREFORE, IOC prays for judgment and relief as follows:


a.       That the Domain Names set forth in this Complaint and in Exhibit 10 be cancelled and/or forfeited, or transferred to IOC; and


b.       For such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.


                                                      Respectfully submitted,


                                                      SILVERBERG, GOLDMAN & BIKOFF, L.L.P.




                                                      Denise F. Flatt

                                                      Virginia Bar No. 42758

                                                      Suite 120

                                                      1101 30th Street, N.W.

                                                      Washington, D.C. 20007




                                                      James L. Bikoff

                                                      Suite 120

                                                      1101 30th Street, N.W.

                                                      Washington, D.C. 20007




                                                      David I. Wilson

                                                      Suite 120

                                                      1101 30th Street, N.W.

                                                      Washington, D.C. 20007


                                                      (202) 944-3300









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